Your Crystal of Love
radios were first created it was quartz crystal that actually received
the frequency of an electronic transmission so that people could
hear it. Hence these magic boxes were called Crystal Sets. It was
much later that Crystal Sets became known as radios.
crystals have the capability of expanding and contracting when exposed
to vibrational frequencies around them. This pulsing action makes
them perfect for receiving and then radiating outward the lower
frequencies of sound. It also makes them perfect for radiating the
higher frequential energies of thought and emotion as well.
ages, quartz crystals have been used to send higher frequential
energy to a human body. For example, pink quartz has a natural frequency
that resonates with that of an emotionally and physically healthy
heart. For centuries people have worn jewelry with pink quartz in
it over their heart in order to assist that organ in functioning
optimally. Pink quartz is also effective in supporting an increase
in love-based emotions.
crystals can easily be programmed to send a specific frequential
energy outward, such as an emotion. The result is similar to using
them in radios, except that the vibrational frequency is received
by the entire human body. I often use a quartz crystal to send Reiki
energy to a client, for example.
easy and simple to program a crystal for the purpose of sending
a specific energy. All you need do is hold it, focus your attention
on it, and state aloud what you wish to program it with. For example,
"I now program this crystal to send Divine Love to _________" (fill
in the blank with the name of whoever you wish to receive the love
add power and clarity to your programming, prepare before you program
the crystal by taking a few minutes to conjure up the associated
emotion you wish it to radiate. In the above example, the obvious
emotion would be love, and it could also be gratitude, peace, and
joy. Then when you are feeling the appropriate emotion, state the
command to program the crystal.
crystal will retain the programming and continue to radiate outward
the frequency of the programming for eternity or until you cancel
the programming.
time ago I programmed a quartz crystal sphere to radiate outward
to the world Divine Love. A few days afterward as I was laying in
bed thinking about maybe getting up, I realized that I was thinking
about things I love. I became aware of a repeating thought pattern
that began with the words "I love". The thought would come naturally,
without any conscious effort on my part. Later, I began to notice
that during the day I felt less stress and fear. Instead I felt
more love, gratitude, and appreciation for people and things in
my life. Each day this love energy grows. I attribute it to being
in the energy of the crystal that I programmed to radiate Divine
encourage you to try this. Select a crystal to serve the purpose
of being your transmitter of love energy. Program it by holding
it for a few moments while you feel the emotion of love, gratitude,
appreciation, or something similar. As you do so, you are radiating
that specific energy to the crystal. Then state out loud, "I now
command this crystal be programmed to radiate Divine Love outward
to _________."
that especially right now the world can use more love, this practice
is perfect for assisting the increase of love energy on the planet.
Using the above procedure, state aloud "I now command this crystal
be programmed to radiate Divine Love outward to this planet and
to all who dwell on and within it."
a few days notice how your thoughts and awareness are changing from
fear, anxiety, dread, and other such lower frequential energies
to that of love, gratitude, appreciation, serenity, and other higher
frequential, love-based energies.

Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose
were born into this world with a purpose.
have important work to do - work that only you can do - in order
to be of the greatest good and highest service.
work is your life purpose, the soul-satisfying work of your destiny.
Inner Journey leads you to that destiny. It opens you to new
awarenesses as you uncover the clues that guide you back to your
life purpose. You'll be gently guided through the process of creating
a solid foundation on which to stand as you get control of your
life and begin to live your life purpose.
information here

Through the Chakras
may already know that Chakras are vortexes of energy which reside
in specific areas of your physical body. But what you may not know
is that they're more than just whirlygigs of energy all over your
like your physical senses of sight, hearing, and smell, Chakras
serve as communication devices for your body, sending and receiving
information vital information throughout your body.
with my guided meditation, Manifesting
Through the Chakras, you can enjoy a relaxing guided
meditation while you effortlessly use your Chakras to make your
entire body a powerful magnet for that which you desire to manifest!
information here