Power of Pink You
just never know when or how a message from the higher realms will appear in your
life. And nor do you know how that message will transform through time. Here's
an example of one of those messages that I once received. Years
ago, a few days after the 9/11 attacks, I was taking a shower when suddenly I
heard a loud, deep man's voice say, "Do guided meditations for world peace on
spun around, expecting to see an intruder in the bathroom, but there was no one.
I shook my head in amazement of this strange occurrence, and then continued my
shower. After
a few moments of quiet once again the voice said, "Do guided meditations for world
peace on PTTV." This time the voice was louder and more determined.
"I don't do guided meditations," I announced to the disembodied voice. "I don't
even meditate. You've got the wrong person, so go find someone else to do the
meditations." This
was met by silence... for a while. Then once again, even more loudly, the voice
commanded, "Do guided meditations for world peace on PTTV."
"I don't do meditations, guided or otherwise, and I don't have a clue as to what
or where PTTV is. So go find the right person because it isn't me," I said louder
and stronger this time.
Silence. "Well.
That's the end of that nonsense," I thought to myself." Little
did I know how wrong I was. The
next day I had an appointment with a new coaching client at my home office. During
the get-to-know-you part of the session she told me that she lived at the end
of the Toandos Peninsula, or as the rest of us locals know it, the end of the
world. "What do you do for work all the way down there?" I asked her.
"Oh, a little of this and a little of that. In fact, right after our session I'll
be going into Port Townsend where I work at PTTV… you know, the local TV station…
running one of the cameras." As
soon as I could pick my face up off the floor, I told her about the visitation
and message I'd received the day before regarding meditations for world peace
on PTTV. "Great!"
she responded. "I'll talk to the station manager when I get there and tell him
about it. I think he'll want to do it." After
she left, I figured I wouldn't hear from her again. After all, it was quite a
weird and crazy message I'd received. Again, I was so wrong! Within an hour after
she left my house, she called to tell me that the station manager was really excited
about the meditation idea and he wanted to meet with me right away to discuss
the details. So
the next day I drove into Port Townsend, (the PT part of PTTV) and met with him.
We discussed what I needed to do and by when. My biggest challenge, I thought,
was going to be finding people to do the meditations, since I didn't have a clue
about meditating. As it turned out, some of the local metaphysical people I knew
were all too happy to share their guided meditations. The
first person I called was a woman who holds weekly meditations at her home. She
was hesitant, having never been on a TV show before, even one on a dinky TV station
like PTTV. However, the idea of helping to promote world peace finally won her
over and we scheduled the first show. At
the appointed time we all arrived at the studio for the first Guided Meditation
for World Peace on PTTV. After the equipment was all adjusted, and the camera
placed just so, she began. The manager had called me into the control room so
I could view the show without disturbing my friend as she gave the meditation
instructions. After
a few minutes of listening to the guided meditation, I realized I had tears streaming
down my face. The manager turned and looked at me, and he had tears running down
his face. We looked toward the stage just as the camera woman turned to look at
us, and she also had tears streaming down her cheeks. We
were all hugely overwhelmed with the powerful energy that the meditation/visualization
was creating... as were the viewers. Due to the popularity of that particular
show, it was aired daily for several years Here
are the instructions for this powerful visualization to create a world of love
and peace:
visualization/meditation begins the same as the one for personal use (refer to
the 11/14
newsletter), and then expands step by step to include the entire planet. 1.
Close your eyes and take three slow, gentle breaths. Breathe through your nose,
bringing the air deeply into your belly. Release each breath gently. 2.
Visualize the pink energy of love surrounding you. Notice how it encompasses
your entire body. Play with the density of it, the brightness of its light, the
viscosity of it. Notice the comfort, calm, and peace of that energy. Stay in the
energy for as long as you like. 3.
Now expand the pink energy outward to include your entire home, inside and out.
Stay with the visual of the pink energy of love encompassing your home for as
long as you wish. 4.
When you're ready, enlarge the energy of love outward to include your residential
area, town, or city. With your inner vision see the pink energy of love covering
that area. 5.
Next, increase the pink energy of love until it covers the entire country. Hold
that vision as long as you like.
Finally, grow the love energy until it surrounds and encompasses the entire planet.
Notice how the energy is glowing brighter and brighter as it becomes greater.
Stay with that vision as long as you wish.
the personal energy of love visualization, use this planetary love visualization
at least once every day… and remember to share it with others. Love, Kathy
You can also use this visualization method on our political leaders and other
world leaders to encourage them in focusing and acting in the highest and best
interests of the people and the planet. Simply envision them surrounded with a
beautiful pink cloud of energy, as this image of Mr. Trump demonstrates.
Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Human Evolution 
are greater than what you currently deem them to be. They are powerful beyond
your current understanding of them. Their power lies in this one concept: Symbols
hold the energy of the structure of your world and how it works. The
symbols contained within the pages of this book hold the foundational energy that
is the basis of all that exists within all worlds. When used with proper intent,
the true purpose and power of these symbols is revealed. They then become oracles
of great knowledge and wisdom. Symbols
give structure, meaning, and purpose to the intelligent energy of which all in
our world is composed. They bring abstract concepts into our physical world of
the Third Dimension and make them substantial so that we can understand them.
They bring the invisible energy of our thoughts out into our world and make them
visible, tangible. Of
all the beings on our planet, in our dimension, only humans have symbols. All
other beings in our here and now have languages by which they communicate using
sound and their physical body. It's only humans who have written or drawn symbols
which we use for communicating our thoughts to each other. These
Omnidimensional Oracle symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional
Beings and myself to communicate specific energies of conceptual systems of belief
by which we humans operate in our world. The written messages that accompany each
of the symbols describe their energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional
reality, and how they may be used for the higher purpose of raising frequential
vibration of each person and subsequently, that of the collective of humanity.
information HERE: |