Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 30th
January 15, 2021
Vol.#17 Issue#2

Never spend more than 10% of your time on the problem, and always spend at least 90% of your time on the solution.

Tony Robbins
Giant Steps

12 Strand DNA Activation


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Omnidimensional Oracles
is now available in paperback and Kindle on!

Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

Each ebook only $2.99
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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

What Are You Learning?

Humans are wired to learn from pain and discomfort. When all is going well we relax and go into neutral, like an idling car. When we're faced with fear, hostility, physical and/or emotional pain, and other such lower frequential energies, we tend to go into action, pedal to the medal. "Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this?" and other such questions quickly arise.

Well, face it. If we were happy and comfortable all the time would we really want to change anything?

Growth, improvement, healing, and other such changes only occur when we've been made uncomfortable enough that we don't want to tolerate the situation any more. It's then and only then that we begin to desire change.

And so we've just had one of the most uncomfortable years in our history. Suddenly everyone wants things to be better - our government, our health, the climate, the economy, the environment, and more.

Here's the deal: true change only happens when the learning about an experience is complete. As a dear friend used to say, "When it becomes a no-thing then you're done with the lesson and can move on." In other words, when you've acquired all the learning you need and/or want about an issue or situation, at that point you become bored or tired of it. That's the signal that you're ready to move on with your learning.

Since we're still battling the viral pandemic, we don't yet have a government that works for the people of our country, gazillions of people are still unemployed, and we still live on a polluted planet, evidently we're not complete with our learning regarding these issues. Now is the time to begin thinking of what kind of world, government, and culture you want to live in so that you can create it.

But first, you must get clear - absolutely clear - about what you want. Envision it and describe it in minute detail. Feeeeel the sensations and emotions you'll have when your vision is a reality.

Ask yourself such questions as:

  • What cause me pain this last year - emotional, physical, or both?
  • What did I learn about the issue/situation?
  • What did I learn about myself while I was experiencing that which caused me the pain?
  • How do I want to see this situation/issue changed so that it becomes beneficial for all?
  • What am I willing to do or refrain from doing in order to assist the changes I desire into becoming reality?

Now, do something, take a step big or small, and change your world so that it better reflects what you truly wish it to be.


A gift just for you!

An Inner Journey: Your Core Life Values

Your core life values define you. They form the very foundation of your life and are reflected in everything you think, feel, and do. They're the basis and the meaning of your life. All of your choices, judgments, and decisions are filtered through your life values, whether you're aware of this happening or not.

When you aren't honoring your life values, you're living your life by default. You're allowing other people to make decisions about your life and, by doing so, you put yourself in the position of being a victim. Each time you allow outside influences such as other people, situations, conditions, and even your environment, to determine your life choices you're giving your personal power away. Without your personal power, you lose your direction and focus, making yourself an ineffective victim.

Your life values are the brightly-lit neon signs pointing you toward the powerfully effective actions that you are most capable of accomplishing in order to make the changes you wish to see in your life... and in this world.

If you're ready to begin living your life purpose and do your part in creating a better world, take the first step now - identify your core life values.

I'm gifting my readers the chapter on life values from my classic book, An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose.

Get your gift here!

Manifesting Through the Chakras

You may already know that Chakras are vortexes of energy which reside in specific areas of your physical body. But what you may not know is that they're more than just whirlygigs of energy all over your body.

Much like your physical senses of sight, hearing, and smell, Chakras serve as communication devices for your body, sending and receiving information vital information throughout your body.

Now, with my guided meditation, Manifesting Through the Chakras, you can enjoy a relaxing guided meditation while you effortlessly use your Chakras to make your entire body a powerful magnet for that which you desire to manifest!

More information here

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328