Your Miracles So
there I was at a grocery store in town, debating on whether to splurge and get
some B&J Chocolate Therapy ice cream or be a good girl and buy some Honey
Crisp apples instead. I'd almost decided on the apples when I heard a woman's
voice call my name. I looked around, in the off chance that I actually knew whoever
was calling "Kathy". Much
to my surprise not only was it someone I knew, but someone I hadn't seen for almost
30 years!! It was my friend Janet, with whom I'd worked when we were both real
estate agents in town. After
we hugged and laughed with joy at seeing each other again, we began to babble
at each other as fast as we could in an attempt to catch up on all the events
we'd experienced during the missed 30 years. Finally we realized that was an impossibility,
and as we laughed and hugged each other we agreed to get together for lunch so
that we'd have more time to catch up. As
I continued on my way to the checkstand I noticed one of the employees standing
at the entrance to the self-checkout. There were no customers for him to help
and he looked bored beyond measure. As I walked past him I smiled at him and said
"How're you doin'?" Much
to my surprise he didn't reply with something mundane. Instead he said, "Just
waitin' for a miracle." I
continued walking for a few steps and then suddenly what he said stopped me in
my tracks. "Waiting for a miracle? Well, I just experienced a miracle,"
I though to myself, turning the cart around and going back to where he was still
standing like a statue. "I
just had a miracle happen to me. Let me share it with you," I said to him.
And I told him about the miracle of running into an old friend that I hadn't seen
in 30 or so years. What a miracle it was that we both just happened to be walking
in the same space in the same grocery store at the same moment. During those 30
years my friend had been living in Mexico and only came back to town every few
years, while I'd moved all over Washington state in that period of time with a
brief period of living in Hawaii. "And
now, here in this store, just a few moments ago my old friend and I met, after
all these years," I told him. "And that's a miracle." Suddenly
his face brightened with a big smile. "Thanks for sharing your miracle,"
he said. And
that smile was the second miracle I experienced that day. What
miracle might you share with others that will give them the miracle of a happy
smile on their face? Love, Kathy
Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Human Evolution 
are greater than what you currently deem them to be. They are powerful beyond
your current understanding of them. Their power lies in this one concept: Symbols
hold the energy of the structure of your world and how it works. The
symbols contained within the pages of this book hold the foundational energy that
is the basis of all that exists within all worlds. When used with proper intent,
the true purpose and power of these symbols is revealed. They then become oracles
of great knowledge and wisdom. Symbols
give structure, meaning, and purpose to the intelligent energy of which all in
our world is composed. They bring abstract concepts into our physical world of
the Third Dimension and make them substantial so that we can understand them.
They bring the invisible energy of our thoughts out into our world and make them
visible, tangible. Of
all the beings on our planet, in our dimension, only humans have symbols. All
other beings in our here and now have languages by which they communicate using
sound and their physical body. It's only humans who have written or drawn symbols
which we use for communicating our thoughts to each other. These
Omnidimensional Oracle symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional
Beings and myself to communicate specific energies of conceptual systems of belief
by which we humans operate in our world. The written messages that accompany each
of the symbols describe their energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional
reality, and how they may be used for the higher purpose of raising frequential
vibration of each person and subsequently, that of the collective of humanity.
information HERE:
Time (Life
lessons I learned as a real estate agent)  It
was my first day as a Realtor. My
previous occupation as a construction Project Superintendent had ended abruptly
when my boss had discontinued taking his medication for bipolar disorder. It was
one of those quirky things that I didn't know about him until it was too late…
and it made a believer out of me that a prospective employee should interview
their potential new boss as well as being interviewed by him/her. He'd
gotten drunk and went on a rampage, trashing the office and destroying much of
the equipment and vehicles. Then he disappeared. The
next morning when I'd arrived at the house where he'd been living with his girlfriend,
she greeted me with "Here's your check. It's your last one. The business is closed
and you're unemployed."
I'd just bought a house and a newer pickup truck. And now I had no job… and only
the puny amount of income I'd receive from Unemployment Insurance. As I drove
back home in shock I tried to imagine where I'd find another job that paid as
well as my Supe job. Most of the jobs available in the area where I lived were
minimum wage jobs. Somewhere
along the drive home I remembered the real estate agent who had sold me my house.
She seemed to be doing quite well financially and I decided to call her when I
got home to ask her about being a real estate agent. During
the phone call she made the job of being a Realtor a most wondrous occupation
and, yes, she assured me I'd make a very successful real estate agent. She made
an appointment for me with her broker for the next day. Thus
I took my first steps in my new career as a real estate agent. It
was a life experience chock full of learning that I never expected or even knew
existed. Learning that has been of humungous service to me throughout my life
experiences since my real estate career. Available
NOW in paperback at!!