Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
November 15 , 2023
Vol.#20 Issue#20

If you can't say nuthin' nice... don't say nuthin' at all.

Thumper the Rabbit

12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

Each ebook only $2.99
Now available on Kindle

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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

The Power of ALL Your Choices

This edition of my newsletter is kindly brought to you by Cindy Reinhardt, a coaching pal of mine, who allowed me to reprint it here. Although I don't usually reprint articles written by others, after reading this latest of her newsletters, The Pivot, I felt compelled to share her powerful message.

Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense,
a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.
Frances Moore Lappé

Lappé’s words landed in a deep place a week or so ago when I first read them in our local food hub’s newsletter. They came on the heels of words spoken by an associate during a Zoom call early one morning. “We’re all complicit,” she shared, not referring to any particular crisis or issue.

I was reminded that everything we do, think, and speak matters in this interconnected world that we are each a part of. And how many choices - some conscious, others not - that I make every day are each a vote for something. Am I voting for what I truly want – the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible? Or…

I thought about the motto of our local Valley Roots Food Hub that each week aggregates and delivers locally grown and produced foods from dozens of farmers, ranchers, and producers in our region: You have three votes every day!

The choices we make about what to eat each day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner (not to mention snack time) – are votes we cast that make a difference in our personal lives, in our community, and beyond. Each vote says something about the quality of health that we want for our bodies. Each vote says something about what we want for the vibrancy of our local community. Each vote says something about how much we care about our neighbors, the soil and, indeed, our precious planetary home.

As much as possible my food votes are for local, organic, regeneratively grown foods and products. I see them as votes for my health, a more vibrant, sustainable local economy, and for the health of the soil on which we depend.

But what about other areas of maintaining and navigating life? What do our purchases of clothing, household goods, and more say about the world we want to live in? What do they say about the degree of care, fairness, and economic justice we want for workers in the world? About our care for the environment and our planet? About our tolerance and acceptance of war and violence? What do our investments say about these issues?

In asking questions such as these, I awaken to my complicity in how the world is. It’s easier to blame others for the world’s multiple crises. I wonder whose interests are served by our finger-pointing divisiveness. Do we want to live in a world of blame with each side aiming to punish the other in endless cycles of war? What choices might I be making that unknowingly support the terrible suffering that the world of blame and separation create?

I find in these questions a deep spiritual essence. Questions that are integral to raising my level of consciousness and to clearly align my daily choices with the values which I claim are important to me.

The choices go far beyond economic choices, of course. We choose to smile or not. To be patient with another or not. To be generous, kind. To listen deeply. To be curious. To be willing to learn. And more. Every thought, word, deed is a choice - a vote for how we want our world to be.

What world are you voting for in the choices you make today?

To Creating the World We Want!
Cindy Reinhardt


Body Wise Healing

In this online class you'll learn how your body talks to you and how you're talking to your body. With this new-found knowledge, you'll be able to understand the messages your body is giving you, sharing the information with you of what you need to do in order to enjoy optimum health. You'll also discover what messages you're now giving your body that are creating disharmony and disease.

What you'll learn:

  • How your body is talking to you and what it's saying.
  • What you're telling your body that manifests good health or disease.
  • Three methods of Kinesiology: a handy communication device for you and your body.
  • A technique for direct, intuitive communication with your body.
  • How to use of crystals on your chakras to stimulate healing.
  • About ancient healing methods using essential oils.
  • VitaFlex, a technique combining reflexology and essential oils for potent healing.
  • How and when to perform Raindrop Therapy using essential oils with special massaging techniques.
  • And much more!

More Information HERE!

The Winter Blahs are technically known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD describes pretty acurately what it's like to experience how the lack of sunlight affects us.

The most common symptoms that people with SAD experience are:

  • depression, ranging from mild to severe
  • sleeping problems such as a greatly increased desire for ten or more hours of sleep or disturbed sleep patterns like insomnia
  • loss of energy
  • craving for carbohydrates and sugar, such as cookies, potato chips, cakes, popcorn, rice, cereals, beer and/or wine
  • weight gain (must be all those carbs and sugar!)
  • irrational emotions and mood swings
  • lowered immunity to illness, especially colds and flu

In my ebook you'll learn what you can do naturally (without prescription drugs or expensive trips to a tropical country) to relieve the depression and other debilitating symptoms of the Winter Blahs.

More Information HERE:

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328