Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
December 1, 2023
Vol.#20 Issue#21

Fear just means you've forgotten how deeply your're loved, how safe you are, and that happiness will return like you've never known it before.

Mike Dooley
Notes from the Universe

12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

Each ebook only $2.99
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The articles in all of these ezines are available for you to use in your ezine or on your website. Please retain the copyright information and if you are using it on your website or ezine, please provide a link to My gratitude knows no bounds for your kindness.

Under One Roof
All rights reserved

The Importance of Accuracy in Your Life

We would speak to you of being accurate in your thoughts, words, and actions. For this is paramount in importance.

In order to create, manifest, or attract to you those things you wish, you must be absolutely accurate in your methods as you use them. To be and do anything less is to bring to you less than what you truly desire. It is to create defectively.

To be absolutely accurate is to know without a doubt exactly what you wish to create. It is doubt that destroys the perfection of your creation.

  • Doubt that you can actually create such as you wish, that you are capable and able to create such things.
  • Doubt also that you are deserving or worthy of such wondrous things. As you have doubt of your worthinessm it eats away at the perfection and the accuracy of your dreams, your desires.

Each time you have a doubt, a piece of the desired thing you are creating breaks off, crumbles away, leaving you with a faulty, less-than creation.

Know this: you are perfection. In your true form, you are perfect. It is only this human form that makes you believe you are anything less than accurately perfect.

Perfection begets perfection. It does so with complete and entire accuracy.

In all of your efforts that you consistently and continually use as you go about creating your life, it would behoove you to be accurate - to use accuracy in each thought and in each action.

When you are envisioning that which you desire to create, do so with absolute accuracy. Leave nothing out, for being incomplete in your visioning leaves space for inaccuracy. Errors will then occur. Important details will be overlooked and omitted. Items not of your choosing will be included because you were not accurate and left openings for chance to occur.

How then will you know that which you do not know? How will you know if something has been left out or is not completely accurate?

This is the job of your inner guidance system - your emotions. At each step of the way check how you feel in each of three areas - physical, emotional, and energetic. If you sense anything other than complete satisfaction, joy, and happiness, then your guidance system is telling you that something is not accurate. If you feel your energy drop or feel emotions such as dread, insecurity, or anxiety, review your creation to discern where there might be inaccuracy.

Each step in your process of creating will benefit from an accuracy check. Each time you do so, you increase the perfection of your creation.

This applies not only to those physical items you wish to create or manifest. Accuracy is of the utmost importance in all things, all aspects of your life that you desire to create.

Personal relationships are especially needful of accuracy, both in the original manifestation of a one who is desired and during the entire experience. All relationships benefit from accuracy in all aspects of the relationship. An accurate relationship is one in which there is trust, the one necessary quality that any completely successful relationship must have.

Be accurate in all you say, for your words, whether spoken, thought, or written, are the energy with which you create. Sloppy thinking creates sloppy results. Accurate thinking creates the perfection of that which you desire and deserve.

You will know accuracy by feeling a lightness of being. That is the result of knowing that your work of creation is complete, that your job is done. Only then can you rest and know that you are creating accurately what you desire and deserve.

Be accurate in your every thought, for thought is how you create.


Do more with doTERRA this Giving Tuesday.

doTERRA is working with Kealakekua Mountain Reserve (KMR) and local residents to raise $100,000 toward replanting 10,000 trees all over the island. You can “grab a shovel” and help plant these trees by donating to the cause during Giving Tuesday—a global generosity movement—and throughout the holiday season from November 28 to December 31, 2023.

These trees are essential to Maui’s ecosystem, and by stretching your wallet just a little wider, you can help save and restore more than just greenery to the island.

Every $10 plants a tree, and each tree will stand as a symbol of strength and healing. Donate today and help regrow an even stronger island than before.

Plant a Tree and Save Maui

The Winter Blahs are technically known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD describes pretty acurately what it's like to experience how the lack of sunlight affects us.

The most common symptoms that people with SAD experience are:

  • depression, ranging from mild to severe
  • sleeping problems such as a greatly increased desire for ten or more hours of sleep or disturbed sleep patterns like insomnia
  • loss of energy
  • craving for carbohydrates and sugar, such as cookies, potato chips, cakes, popcorn, rice, cereals, beer and/or wine
  • weight gain (must be all those carbs and sugar!)
  • irrational emotions and mood swings
  • lowered immunity to illness, especially colds and flu

In my ebook you'll learn what you can do naturally (without prescription drugs or expensive trips to a tropical country) to relieve the depression and other debilitating symptoms of the Winter Blahs.

More Information HERE:

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328