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Under One Roof All rights reserved |
Surprise Blessings On
Friday of last week I began a journey into an experience that began as an awfully
stressful event and ended by giving me many surprise blessings. It
began when I began to drive to Hadlock, the local business district, which is
9 miles from our house, to do some banking, go to the post office, and get a few
groceries. As the drive began, my truck seemed to be running rather roughly. At
first I thought it was just because the engine was cold, but it continued and
got even worse as I drove along. By the time I got to Hadlock my truck was running
so poorly I was afraid I wouldn't make it back home. But I did. Once
at home I rushed to the phone to call the Ford dealership where I bought the truck
and where I have all the mechanical work done on it. The service manager told
me if I could get it towed in there that night, the next morning they'd connect
it to their diagnostic computer and find out what was wrong. Immediately I called
the tow truck company and by 7pm my truck was on it's way to the shop in Port
Angeles, an hour drive from our house. The
next morning I waited nervously to hear from the service manager, but the phone
call didn't come. Despite several calls from me I didn't hear back from them that
day and not the following Monday. I was getting frantic, not knowing what was
going on and thinking the worst. So I began thinking about my options. Should
I rent a car? After a few phone calls I found that car rental starts at $100 per
day. So that idea went to the bottom of the list of options. Should I trade this
truck in on another truck? A few more phone calls and searching on the internet
delivered the information that another truck was going to be really, really expensive.
Evidently people are holding on to their trucks and the demand is up, which means
so are the prices. Okay. So then my thinking ran to what if I bought a cheap car
to use in emergency. More searching for information and I found that solution
to be more expensive than the first two ideas I had. Finally,
early on Tuesday norning I realized that I hadn't asked for an MBO. So I did.
I requested that I hear from the service manager by 10am that morning with the
diagnosis of my truck's trouble. At 10:01am he called to tell me that my truck
was fixed! Not just diagnosed... but FIXED! It seemed the squirrels had gotten
under the hood and chewed on some wires. The total bill was not the hundreds and
thousands of dollars I'd been fearing, but only $179! During
this adventure, I'd realized that although it wasn't an entirely wonderful experience,
there were some surprise blessings. - The
tow truck driver, Matt, was kind and efficient. Not the gruff, hairy beast I'd
been expecting. As we were doing the paperwork I asked him why he got into driving
tow truck. He responded without hesitating, "I like to help people."
And then he shared with me some other things he does, like taking groups of kids
into the wilderness to teach them survival technques and to give them confidence
in themselves. Just hearing about the good this young man does lifted my spirits.
- The
lack of instant personal transportation caused me to begin thinking creatively.
Sure, it was about transportation options, but still it was creative thinking...
something I hadn't been doing much of recently.
- Because
I didn't have the means to leave the house, I found that I had the time to do
more writing on a book I'd just started. It's the prequel to my Studs book and
it seemed like I had been finding too many ways to do other things that I deemed
more important, like driving somewhere for some minor reason.
- When
the service manager called with the wonderful news about my truck being fixed,
I was overjoyed and told him. I must have thanked him a kajillion times. Finally
he said, "You don't make many friends here." What he meant was that
because he was always the bearer of bad news, like how expensive it was going
to be to fix their vehicle, people weren't happy to hear from him. I told him
he was my hero and I could hear the smile when he said thank you.
 - My
husband got off work an hour early so he could drive me up to Port Angeles to
pick up my truck. Whenever we drive somewhere I always drive and my view is mostly
of the road through the windshield, so this was an opportunity for me to be able
to look out all of the windows and enjoy seeing the beauty of our area. Especially
the new, fresh snow on the Olympic Mountains.
- As
we drove up to and back from getting my truck, we passed the S'klallam tribal
center which this time of year is a magical fairyland with Christmas lights on
every tree and bush.
- I
shared the story of my experience with my neighbor, who told me that he'd noticed
some damage to the insulation under the hood of his truck. This was an indication
that he, too, had squirrels in the engine compartment and they could possibly
cause his truck the same damage that my truck had suffered. I showed him the solution
that the service manager had told me about - a packet of herbs that have an aroma
the squirrels hate. I told him I was going to buy some and would be happy to get
him some too. So I was able to help a neighbor avoid the frustration and stress
that I'd just gone through. And that felt pretty darn good!
moral to this story is this: Whenever you're faced with a dilemma, take a few
moments and look for the blessings. I believe you'll be happily surprised. Love,
a Master of your beliefs rather than a victim of their consequences Your
beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. Neurological research indicates
that as much as 95% of your conscious brain activity is controlled by your
subconscious. Your beliefs are hidden in your subconscious. While you may
be unaware of their influence on you, your beliefs directly influence your actions,
choices, and behaviors. Everything
you do, think, and feel is governed by the beliefs held in your subconscious.
reality is created by your beliefs. You use them to define yourself - worthy
or worthless, powerful or powerless, smart or stupid, etc. The ability to live
your life effectively (or not) is affected by your beliefs. Do
you recognize some of these limiting beliefs? - I'm
afraid to speak up and say what I think/believe.
- No
matter what I do or how hard I try, it's never good enough.
- I
don't deserve __________________.
- I
can't trust others.
- All
other people really care about is themselves.
- I'm
not important and neither is anything I do.
- Life
is hard.
- Relationships
are difficult and painful.
- It's
not safe for me to ________________.
- I
can't have (or do) ____________________,
you change your beliefs, you change your life. PSYCH-K
provides safe and effective methods to rewrite the software of your mind so that
your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs are aligned as YOU desire
them to be.
Begin your new year with new beliefs that support you in creating the life you
truly want. Take the first step and... Click
HERE for more information...
Gifts Books
are forever gifts. Even if the recipient doesn't keep them forever, the stories
they read and the messages they receive will stay with them. If
you don't know what to give someone for Christmas, their birthday, or any other
special occasion, you can't go wrong with a book as a gift. Here
are a few suggestions from the collection of books that I've written on subjects
ranging from spiritual/metaphysical to self help:: And
just for fun... STUDS
The pretty much true story of my experiences as a Project Superintendent on one
of the more weird and wacky construction projects that I've ever worked on. I
had never worked as a Project Supe before. My first day on the job I discovered
it was two weeks behind schedule, the only subcontractor my boss had lined up
was the town drunk, and the permits were either incomplete or nonexistant. Oh.
And I had to live on site in a camper. And that was only the beginning of this
wild adventure. All
books are available on Amazon.com in print and as a Kindle ebook |