Beautiful Truth of Opposition
morning I select at random a card from my Omnidimensional Oracles
deck. Recently I kept getting Opposition, and since I don't like
the meaning of the word, kept putting it back in the deck and selecting
another card. The day of President Biden's inauguration I once again
got the Opposition card. So I gave in and read the description of
it in the book. I was amazed at how appropriate the message is for
us now. It echoes President Biden's message of unity in a most unique
and profound manner. Here's what the Omni's say about Opposition:

planet and the reality in which you dwell as your human self are
unique in one aspect - the polarity factor.
in your world has an opposite. Everything. Great and ancient belief
systems have been created on this one aspect. All your religions
are based on it. Good vs. evil, sinner or saint, a god or a devil
- these are examples of some of the concepts of polarity which have
been used in your religions.
things in your physical world have opposites. Hot or cold. Big or
small. Hard or soft. Wet or dry. High or low. The list goes on into
infinity. Additionally, every thing, every variable, has infinite
degrees with matching or corresponding degrees of their opposing
most thinking about the polarities of your world considers the purpose
of them to be solely for learning through the method of comparison,
there is yet another very important purpose not yet recognized by
scientists or scholars. It is the connection that two opposites
have - not because of their difference but as a result of their
similarity - that is most important.
One aspect of a polarity cannot exist without the other. Without
hot there would be no cold. All would be equal in temperature. Without
high there could be no low. All would be one flat plane. Without
wet everything would be dry.
two polar extremes were to meet in the middle, then neither would
exist. There would be only neutrality. As the one separates and
becomes two, each part begins to reflect the opposite of the other.
The farther away from each other the two parts move, the more extreme
their difference becomes.
is true in all things in your polarized reality, no matter what
form they take. Also true is the previous statement that without
one the other would not exist.
a result of these two truths, there is a force, an energy if you
will, that keeps all opposites connected. In all things this force
of opposition exists. It holds the two opposites together and as
it does so it creates a third energy - the whole or the complete.
is within this third energy that the trueness of reality is recognized
in other worlds and dimensions. In
your world the focus is on the opposites. So much so that rarely
is the true and complete form discerned or recognized.
this: as you focus on one of a pair of opposites, you can also share
your focus with the other polar opposite. In doing so you will gain
the greater perspective of the third energy.
the new perspective of the whole that contains both of the opposites
you may gain inspired knowledge and wisdom. This new wisdom, then,
can then be used for a higher purpose than the limited knowledge
gained from experiencing only one of each opposite separately.
opposition itself, the whole created by the two opposites, is the
key to much greater wisdom. When you explore this, you discover
the greatest of truths.
Unity and opposition are two sides of the same coin, to use an old
adage. I believe we can't have unity until we are willing to understand
more about each of two opposing sides. Doing so is the only way
we can learn how we can work together. What we need to focus on
are the qualities, talents, values, abilities, and more that each
side can bring to the table in order to be of value in creating
a harmonius and unified working situation to solve issues and problems.
This applies to groups of people and to each person within
a group.
Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Human

are greater than what we currently deem them to be. They are powerful
beyond our current understanding of them. Their power lies in this
one concept:
hold the energy of the structure of your world
and how it works
collection of Oracles was given to us specifically by the Omnidimensional
Beings to aid, support, and assist us in our endeavor to evolve.The
written messages that accompany each of the symbols describe their
energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional reality, and
how they may be used for the higher purpose for each person and
subsequently for the collective of humanity.
in form yet powerful in use, the 66 symbols in the book are an introduction
to unlocking the secrets of our world. The information contained
within the description of each symbol can take you from the very
beginning stages of understanding Universal concepts to the greater
understanding of how to utilize them in your world.
matter what your level of experience and knowledge, these oracular
symbols are of valuable aid in understanding how to facilitate improvement
in the quality of your life. When you wish to gain benefit from
a consultation with these symbols simply open the book to a random
page. You'll always be guided to your most beneficial Omnidimensional
information here
gift just for you!

Inner Journey: Your Core Life Values
core life values define you. They form the very foundation of your
life and are reflected in everything you think, feel, and do. They're
the basis and the meaning of your life. All of your choices, judgments,
and decisions are filtered through your life values, whether you're
aware of this happening or not.
you aren't honoring your life values, you're living your life by
default. You're allowing other people to make decisions about your
life and, by doing so, you put yourself in the position of being
a victim. Each time you allow outside influences such as other people,
situations, conditions, and even your environment, to determine
your life choices you're giving your personal power away. Without
your personal power, you lose your direction and focus, making yourself
an ineffective victim.
life values are the brightly-lit neon signs pointing you toward
the powerfully effective actions that you are most capable of accomplishing
in order to make the changes you wish to see in your life... and
in this world.
you're ready to begin living your life purpose and do your part
in creating a better world, take the first step now - identify your
core life values.
gifting my readers the chapter on life values from my classic book,
Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose.
your gift here!