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February 1, 2022
Vol.#18 Issue#2


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Under One Roof
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Your Happiness Gene

A couple of years ago during one of my Tai Chi classes I was chatting with a student about how Tai Chi raises a person's energy. When a person has more energy they automatically feel better physically, which then contributes to raising their emotional state.

"I agree," she said. "I've noticed that I have more energy and also feel happier since I began taking this class. Of course, I'm always happy. I was born with the Happiness Gene, you know."

"This is something I've never heard of. What is the Happiness Gene?" I replied.

"I don't know exactly. I just know that I'm always happy," she said.

This was true. She always had a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes. People were drawn to her because of her happy energy. It just felt good to be around her. And good things always seemed to happen to her.

Off and on I've thought about her Happiness Gene and wondered things like, does everyone have a Happiness Gene? If so, does it need to be activated or does it just work automatically? If it needs to be activated, how do you do that? If you don't have one, then how do you get a Happiness Gene? What if I don't have one? What would my life be like if I had a Happiness Gene?

After much musing upon this issue, one day it came to me. Her Happiness Gene wasn't physical as much as it was mental. She chose to always see the bright side of things. She chose to always think the best of everyone. She chose to assume that good always came to her. And so all of these things came true.

Her Happiness Gene was another definition for The Law of Attraction, which is a law of physics and is always in operation. If you're not familiar with it, basically it's just this: like attracts like. So if you're thinking sad thoughts and are feeling depressed, you'll attract to you those people, incidents, and things that are of the same energy frequency of your sadness and depression.

The good news is that all you have to do in order to turn on your Happiness Gene is to begin thinking happy thoughts. How do you do that? Here's a few tried and true methods I use that have really helped me to turn on my own Happiness Gene:

  • List of Love - each morning before I get out of bed I think of at least 5 things I love. I change them from day to day, which expands my noticing of all the things around me that I love and that make me happy.
  • Gobs of Gratitude - this is similar to using the List of Love. I think of five things I'm grateful for in my life. I say them out loud, which I believe adds to their power of enhancing my Happiness Gene.
  • Thank you - these two words aren't used enough in our everyday world, in my humble opinion. Every time I tell someone "thank you", their face lights up and I feel happier because I did something to make the other person happy. The bagger at the grocery store, the garbage man (who gave me a big smile and the Peace Sign for thanking him), my dentist when he finished giving me new fillings, my husband when he does little chores around the house. All get my thank-you, and in return, their happiness activates my Happiness Gene.
  • Personal treats - every day I do something to pamper myself. Once in a while it may be something big, like getting a massage but usually it's small pamperings, like taking a soak in the tub with a few drops of an aromatic essential oil, drinking a hot cuppa spicy tea on a cold winter day, laying down for half an hour and listening to a sound healing CD, reading an inspirational book in the evening before I go to bed. By doing these things, my thoughts turn to how good I feel about my self, and Voila! My Happiness Gene increases its activity.
  • Connecting with trees - if I have the time and the weather permits, I go to one of the local parks where there are huge, old, wonderful evergreen trees. Just being near them charges up my Happiness Gene. Not only are they wondrously beautiful, they exude a peaceful energy. If I can't get to the park, I have some big, beautiful Fir, Cedar, and Hemlock trees in my back yard that I can go stand under, breathe in their wonderful perfume, and enjoy their energy. As I connect with the trees, I find myself thinking about their beauty and how wondrous they are. The result is that my Happiness Gene becomes even more active.

I invite you to begin today the activation of your Happiness Gene. Good things are waiting for you and all you have to do to get them to come to you is invite them with the act of shifting your energy to the Happy Mode.

So... what is one thing you can do right now to stir up the activity of your Happiness Gene?

Peace, Love, and Happiness

The Akashic Wisdom Retrieval
instant mp3 Download

The Akashic Record is the record of your Soul since your very first beginning or incarnation. It contains all your personal history, everything you've ever experienced in every lifetime you've ever had... and you've had hundreds and possibly thousands of lifetimes!

Imagine the wealth of information - the knowledge and wisdom - stored in your Akashic Record.

Using the seven major chakras as the gateway to your Akashic Record, astounding wisdom is revealed to you... wisdom you've gained throughout all your past lifetimes.

More information here...

Omnidimensional Oracle
61. Downward

As is my daily practice, I selected at random one of my Omidimensional Oracles from my book of the same name. As I read the description, I was inspired to share with you this excerpt.

Level by level, step by step you descended downward until finally at the end of your journey you walked, for the first time, into the Third Dimension and onto this planet. You have remained here for eons, grounded as you immerse yourself into the experience of Third Dimensional physicality.

It is this place on which and in which you chose to perform the grand experiment of becoming the higher vibrations of Spirit while still in the lower vibrations of Third Dimensional physicality. This is no small feat and has been undertaken on numerous previous occasions. You, however, have managed to take the experiment to a new level - one which shows all indications of becoming successful.

The downward grounding of your spirit into human form has not been easy for you. Yet you continue, by your choice, to remain here working diligently toward the successful outcome. It is more accurately described as the denser physical energy joining with the lighter and higher vibrational spiritual energy in one body.

The continuance of this work becomes easier now that you have passed the markers of previous attempts to combine spirit and matter. Now, such as your Higher Self and other very high frequential intelligent energies reside within you, and not without. Your experience in human form now becomes one of HumanSpirit form. All now can serve you in a seamless continuum as you do the work you chose when, eons ago, you first began stepping into this, the Third Dimensional reality.

Although you can remain in this downward reality, in this physical plane, you are now joined with Spirit in your physical body and your work becomes more easily and truly aligned with the energy of that place from which you came.

Omnidimensional Oracles:
Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom
for Human Evolution

More information here...

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328