Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
February 15, 2022
Vol.#18 Issue#3


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

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Under One Roof
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A Future of Love and Happiness NOW

It's almost officially spring, and like the flower buds and tree greenery that's beginning to show, we're finally emerging from the last couple years of fear, depression, anger, frustration, and all other kinds of not-love caused by the planet-wide viral pandemic. Many, if not most of us are wondering what's coming next? We expect to have a New Normal, but what does that mean? What will it be like?

Here's the simple, honest, and true answer to that question: It will mean whatever your want it to mean and will be whatever you create.

As I've mentioned before in my newsletter, the Law of Attraction is always at work and in effect, manifesting whatever you are focusing your thoughts on.

"Wait a minute," you say. "I didn't create the virus!"

True enough, on the physical level. But from a higher perspective, the collective of humanity was wanting and needing an experience to bring them to the epitome of fear so that once and for all we could be done with it and move on to experiencing its opposite - love - and learning more

You see, until we humans complete our learning about an issue we will continue to be given opportunities to deepen and broaden our knowledge. When we've had enough and are complete with the learning, at that time the issue becomes for us what a friend of mine used to call a No-thing. One major indication that we've reached the level of completion with fear is that we become bored and tired of the experience in all its forms. Now, instead of acquiescing to fear we have begun to stand up in order to end the causes of it, both internally and externally.

Now... here comes the good part! Collectively, we're very, very, very close to being done with fear and it is becoming a No-thing. Next we get to learn about LOVE! We'll learn to feel the happiness, joy, elation, delight, and all the other good stuff that is associated with the energy of love! It's like having a delicious dessert after eating your Brussel sprouts.

The first lesson is how to shift the focus of your thoughts from fear to love - instantly and continuously. This is a major step since we've all been subjected to fear in multiple forms and from multiple sources since we were infants. We have the habit of fear and know all too well how to see the fearful things in life. Now it's time to notice the loving things in life.

As you begin to notice loving experiences you'll be storing them as memories. Then, whenever you need or want to replace any form of the emotion of fear with the emotion of love, you can retrieve a happy, loving memory. It's a very simple yet extremely powerful technique that instantly transforms any undesirable lower based emotion to one of the higher frequencial emotions, such as happiness, joy, pleasure, delight.

As examples, here are a few things I've noticed lately that brought me happiness, joy and yes, a sense of love:

  • People are being more kind. On a recent trip to Costco, I bought three 40 lb. boxes of bird seed. As I was struggling to get the first heavy box out of the cart and into the back of my truck, I heard a man's voice say, "Can I help you with that?" I turned to see an angel in the form of a young man. "Yes, please," I replied, and he quickly and easily loaded the bird seed into my truck. The memory of that one, simple, kind gesture brings me happiness (a form of love) every time I think of it.
  • People are being more grateful. I've befriended a woman who works at one of my favorite grocery stores. When I saw her at our last jaunt to the store she wasn't her usual happy self. I asked what was wrong and she told me about her husbands health issues which had become critical and recently put him close to death. At the end of her tale I was inspired to tell her that she's very blessed to still have him in her life. And then inspired to tell her that he was very blessed to have her in his life. A huge smile appeared on her face and she said, "You always make me feel better. Thank you." Honestly, I didn't know I made her feel better and now I can use that memory to raise my emotional state to an aspect of love.
  • People are prioritizing their loved ones. My husband, who works as a heavy equipment operator (think bulldozers, excavators, off-road dump trucks) with macho guys tells me stories of how these guys are now focusing on their families when they're not working. Instead of hunting, fishing, working on cars, and other manly activities, they're spending time doing things with their kids and wife. One said that now his wife, kids, and he all eat dinner at the dining room table with no TV, no cellphones. It's bringing them closer together as a family. Another man and his wife just had twins, and he took three months off work to be with the babies and help his wife.

Begin now to notice the happiness and love that surrounds you. Each time you do so, you not only build your inner library of loving memories, you radiate the higher frequential energy of love to all others around you. Doing this one simple thing is a most powerful method for creating love and happiness in the now... and in the future.

Love and Happiness,

Omnidimensional Oracles

Evolutionary!! Of all the beings on our planet, in our dimension, only humans have symbols.These Omnidimensional Oracle symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional Beings and myself to communicate specific energies of conceptual systems of belief by which we humans operate in our world.

The written messages that accompany each of the symbols describe their energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional reality, and how they may be used for the higher purpose of raising frequential vibration of each person and subsequently, that of the collective of humanity. Each symbol holds the specific energy of each Oracle.

More information here

The Akashic Wisdom Retrieval
instant mp3 Download

The Akashic Record is the record of your Soul since your very first beginning or incarnation. It contains all your personal history, everything you've ever experienced in every lifetime you've ever had... and you've had hundreds and possibly thousands of lifetimes!

Imagine the wealth of information - the knowledge and wisdom - stored in your Akashic Record.

Using the seven major chakras as the gateway to your Akashic Record, astounding wisdom is revealed to you... wisdom you've gained throughout all your past lifetimes.

More information here...

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328