Fear Makes You Stupid
is a part of your brain that exists solely for your physical survival.
It's called the "Reptilian" brain because it's been with us for
about 100,000,000 years, since the era of the big reptiles - the
dinosaurs. This is the first and only part of the human brain our
species had for millions of years.
the past, fear has proven to be very important, on a personal level
as well as collectively as a species. It's still very important
or it wouldn't be around today. In the beginning of human evolution,
fear was needed for survival. When our Neanderthal ancestors felt
fear, they knew instantly that it was time to either run for their
lives or fight whatever was threatening them.
fear serves that same purpose of alerting you to dangers and, thus,
insuring your survival with the Fight or Flight response. However,
there is a major difference in today's world, in that fear now appears
in more subtle forms than monster-size dinosaurs. In fact, the object
of fear in current times is very often invisible.
As humans evolved, other parts of the brain were formed, such as
the limbic system which deals with emotions, and the cerebral cortex
which is the logical thinking and reasoning part.
Reptilian part of your brain is located at the stem of the brain,
securely cushioned and protected from injury by the rest of the
brain. In the event of a major injury to your brain, all the other
parts of it may stop functioning, but because this part is so well
protected it will probably still be ticking along. This is a very
clever and important bit of evolution. You can live without logic
and reason. You can live without emotions. But you can't live without
your physical body.
Reptilian brain is command control for your survival instinct, commonly
known as the Fight or Flight response. During a state of fear, your
physiology changes, and your blood is re-routed to that which you
need for survival - muscles, heart, lungs, adrenal glands… and your
Reptilian brain.
you're in fear, all conscious brain activity goes to your Reptilian
brain while the activity in the remainder of your brain (the logical
thinking and reasoning parts) shuts down.
is your brain

is your brain on fear
you're in the state of fear and the Reptilian portion of your brain
is in control, your awareness is limited to only two choices - either
fighting the fearsome thing or running from it. Everything you do
will be some form of one of those two choices. Everything. When
you're experiencing fear you have no capability for creative or
even rational thought. It's all fight or flight, good or bad, me
or you, right or wrong, live or die. When you're in the state of
fear you simply don't have the physiological ability to think logically
and reasonably.
how do you get your brain activity out of the Reptilian brain and
into the parts of your brain where you can think logically and reasonably?
Here's two technques that work fast to get you thinking calmly again:
Visualize The simple act of internal visualization instantly
moves brain activity from the fear-based Reptilian brain to the
cerebral cortex where you think with logic. Any inner visual works.
Envision what you had for breakfast, what your cat looks like, a
favorite flower. Anything. Almost instantly you'll feel a difference
in tension as brain activity changes and messages from it to your
body change from fear-based to normal.
Breathe When you move into fear your Reptilian brain sends messages
to your body that changes how it works. Adrenaline is increased,
blood flow goes to muscles and away from vital organs, and breathing
becomes shallow and fast. Focus your awareness on your chest and
begin to breathe slowly and deeply, bringing oxygen deep into the
bottom of your lungs and feeling your lungs fill with air. As you
begin to breathe in and fill your lungs from the bottom upward,
you should be able to see your belly extend first and then your
upper chest.
remember, nothing ever remains the same. Whatever is causing you
fear now will pass. And when it does, you have the opportunity to
use the rest of your brain to learn about your experience. As you
learn, you become wiser and gain tools to help you move easier through
future attacks of fear.
Energy of Love

to be confused with the emotion of love, the energy of Love includes
the emotion and yet is so much more. It is a new energy that has
been coming onto the planet in recent years and is much more than
you think.
we need more of the energy of Love on our Earth right now, I'm gifting
this guided meditation to those who are drawn to experiencing it.
Just click on this link to learn more about the energy of Love and
to get the link to instantly download the mp3 version of it.
information here!
61. Downward
Level by level, step by step you descended downward until finally
at the end of your journey you walked, for the first time, into
the Third Dimension and onto this planet.
have remained here for eons, grounded as you immerse yourself into
the experience of Third Dimensional physicality. With few exceptions,
you have remained in this reality. On occasion you have ascended,
physically or energetically, to other and higher realities. But
it is to this place, this dimension, this reality that you always
return on your journey… downward to the Earth.
It is this place on which and in which you chose to perform the
grand experiment of becoming the higher vibrations of Spirit while
still in the lower vibrations of Third Dimensional physicality.
This is no small feat and has been undertaken on numerous previous
occasions. You, however, have managed to take the experiment to
a new level - one which shows all indications of becoming successful.
downward grounding of your spirit into human form has not been easy
for you. Yet you continue, by your choice, to remain here working
diligently toward the successful outcome of what you call "Ascension".
The continuance of this work becomes easier now that you have passed
the markers of previous attempts to combine spirit and matter. Your
experience in human form now becomes one of humanspirit form. Now,
such as your Higher Self and other very high frequential intelligent
energies reside within you, and not without. Other high vibrational
aspects of your Soul join easily with you as you continue to remain
in this reality, this dimension. All now can serve you in a seamless
continuum as you do the work you chose when, eons ago, you first
began stepping downward into this, the Third Dimensional reality.
you can remain in this downward reality, in this physical plane,
you are now joined with Spirit in your physical body and your work
becomes more easily and truly aligned with the energy of that place
you call "home".
physicality, grounding Spirit, connecting energy and physical, dense
energy, humanspirit
hold the energy of what is to be created. The 66 symbols given me
by the Omnidimensional Beings to share with all others represent
the highest aspects of humanity. The symbols contained within the
book, Omnidimensional Oracles, may be used as oracles of
wisdom, indicating what is needed at the time. They can also as
be used as a reminder of that which you wish to create in and with
your life.
Oracles is available in paperback
and Kindle
at It includes 64 symbols, their meaning, and their
best and highest use, as given to me by the Omnidimensional Beings.