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Higher Purpose of Aggregate (An Omnidimensional Message) 
is my daily practice, I selected a random Omnidimensional Oracle this morning.
Aggregate was the oracle selected and as I read the accompanying message
I realized how it related to the concept of Triality - something I've been focused
on lately. Interestingly, the number of this oracle is 22 - a Master Number which
brings together the spiritual and the material. All
in your world is made of parts and pieces of other things. Most often they are
similar, but just as often dissimilar parts come together. The results are widely
varying, as you can well imagine. There
is a purpose in all this. It is not by random accident that similar and/or dissimilar
parts join with another. Each joining consists of a specific quantity, quality,
and type of parts, thus creating a specific aggregate designed for a specific
purpose. In
your science of geology there is a rock called an aggregate. It consists of many
other types of rocks, all bound together by yet another type of rock which has
been naturally ground up and now acts as mortar or cement. This is an example
of how all things in your world are made of many other things to create a third
entity. Another
example of aggregate is your family unit. It consist of parents, sons, daughters,
aunts, uncles, grandparents, in-laws, and often a few unrelated people who are
so beloved by all that they become part of the family. This, then, is an aggregate
of the people you call "family". All the parts and pieces are different and unique,
yet they are bound together by a substance stronger than cement. You call it "love".
each unit in a family has its own unique role and purpose, together the aggregate
is stronger, more diverse, and has greater power than each one singularly. This
is the purpose of aggregate. Look to your life, your world, and notice how many
forms of aggregate surround you daily. Notice, too, how each grouping has greater
qualities as an aggregate group than does each part and piece as a single unit.
Here are some examples: - Without
all the aggregate parts and pieces you would not have a vehicle that takes you
quickly, efficiently, and comfortably to your desired destination. If all you
had was a windshield wiper blade or a hub cap you wouldn't have the aggregate
of your vehicle to take you very far or very fast.
- Teams
of people are many times more efficient than one person acting alone. It takes
an aggregate of carpenters, plumbers, painters, electricians, and more to create
a house in which an aggregate family may live. One person could do such a task,
if they had all the knowledge and skills of the construction team. But an aggregate
group of people with all the necessary skills and talents ensures that the work
proceeds much faster, more efficiently, and smoother.
- Meditation
is always a greater, more profound experience when done with others. The collective
consciousness of all participants grows the energy exponentially until it becomes
a magnificent spiritually energetic experience for all - one that would be nigh
impossible to attain as a solo meditator.
- While
a solo musical performance is enjoyable, the capacity for multitudes of differing
sounds in harmony is many times greater when the performance is given by a symphony
or orchestra. Each musician, playing their specific type of instrument, adds to
the blend of different sounds to create a beautiful aggregate of music.
is a time and purpose for singularity. However, the greatest in quality and in
quantity can be accomplished by an aggregate - people of similar and dissimilar
talents, abilities, qualities, and energies, who are bound together for and by
a purpose. Look
to the aggregate groups, whether human, mechanical, animal, or plant, for greater
results in all that you endeavor to create. Love, Kathy
and the Omnis
all the beings on our planet, only humans have symbols. Symbols
hold the energy of a concept. It is up to us to make that energy manifest. These
symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional Beings and myself
to communicate the knowledge of specific energies with which we humans create
our world.
in form yet powerful in use, the 66 symbols in the book unlock the secrets of
our world, taking you from the very beginning stages of understanding Universal
concepts to the greater utilization of them in your world. No
matter what your level of experience and knowledge, these oracular symbols are
a valuable aid in understanding how to facilitate improvement in the quality of
life. All will benefit from a consultation with these symbols. They
may be used singularly as daily guidance or in multiples for more complete information
and guidance regarding a specific issue or subject. Available
in paperback and ebook at Amazon.com More
information here
Magical Mystical Manual Wondrous
Tools to Enhance Your Life YOU
are a magical, mystical being. You
have talents, abilities, and powers beyond those that you currently are aware
of or believe that you have. The most important of these is your ability to communicate
with your spiritual guidance.
However, because your spirit guides reside in other dimensions it can often be
difficult for them to communicate with you… and you with them. Thus, it's often
necessary to use certain oracles or tools, such as Tarot or a pendulum. Once you
learn how to decode their messages using these tools, communication between you
and your spirit guides becomes almost as easy as calling them on the phone. (Well,
almost!) The
easy-to-understand instructions in this book expand your awareness so you can
quickly recognize and interpret the guidance being shared with you by your sources
of Higher Wisdom. The
methods included are time-honored systems such as: - How
You Receive Spiritual Guidance
Psychic Protection
- Communicating
with Your Body
- Animal
Spirit Guides
- Channeling
Your Spirit Guides
- Getting
Into the Swing with a Pendulum
- Crystals,
Gems, and Stones
- Curing
Geopathic Stress
- Reading
the Tarot Intuitively
information HERE Available
now at Amazon.com in paperback