to Live Life the Easy Way
is said that we humans are so linear that we always need someone
to give us steps or instructions before we move into action.
That's right.
ARE human and we DO need step-by-step instructions to help us learn
new things. Otherwise we flounder around wasting time and energy,
making needless mistakes.
who have gone before, walking on the leading edge of life on their
own, have learned the hard way by making tons of mistakes. They've
done all the difficult work for you. Many of them have become mentors,
coaches, and teachers. What they share is what they know… what they've
learned the hard way. You can also do what they've done, only easier,
faster, and more simply. All you have to do is heed the knowledge
that they have to share.
you disbelievers, go ahead and do it your own way. After you've
run into dead ends, circled back again to start over only to run
into complicated detours and potholes the size of school buses,
maybe eventually you'll arrive at your goal. When you do, you'll
find others waiting for you. Those would be the people who used
the knowledge and followed the instructions from the ones who have
gone before them.
maybe not. These smartie-pants who heeded the wisdom shared by others
who went before them may have gotten tired of waiting for you. In
their excitement to move on to the next level of this Game we all
chose to play here on Planet Earth, they're very much excited to
keep progressing. Especially when it's so easy. They've learned
that all they have to do is borrow the knowledge and wisdom of those
who have pioneered the way for them to speed them on their journey.
one of those who chose to walk the leading edge and be in the forefront
of this magical, mystical movement we call "evolution", I've learned
how valuable it is to others that I leave instructions behind on
my path. It keeps those who are following me from making ALL the
mistakes that I and others like me have made.
course, making mistakes is part of learning. But there's no reason
why you have to make every single mistake that's possible to make.
Just a few will do nicely to help you remember the learning.
the #1 rule for simple, fast, and easy learning:
the instructions.
you make one move, read the instructions. All of them. Then before
you step into action, re-read the first step in the instructions.
When you've complete that step, read the next one before moving
into action on it. Repeat until you're complete with the process.
special note for those of you who are with me on the leading edge:
Before you jump into yet another brand new experience, take
a few moments to create instructions for those who are following
in your footsteps. Let them know which footsteps will assist them
in gaining the greatest value in their new knowledge. Warn them
about those steps you found that slowed you down, blocked your progress,
or even forced you to turn around and find another path. Make it
as simple as possible for those behind you to quickly catch up with
your progress. Be linear and create simple, numbered instructions.
one of my favorite methods for living life the easy way. It'll
help you make challenging life choices simple and effortless. It's
been gleaned from my years of experiences and tons of mistakes:
Make a list of every option you can think of. Even those that
may not seem very attractive. Leave a few lines of space between
each item.
2. When you're complete with your list, close your eyes
and envision yourself doing the first option.
3. Notice how you feel. Remember, feelings are physical
sensations we call "emotions". Anything else is a thought. Inserting
"I feel like" in front of a thought does not make it an emotion.
Pay particular attention to what you're feeling in the areas of
your stomach, chest, shoulders, and neck. If you're adept at sensing
energy, notice how your energy shifts - or not - during this visual.
4. In the space you left below that option, note what you felt.
5. Repeat #2 through #4.
you're done with this exercise, you'll know without a doubt which
option is the best one for you to choose.
reason this works so well is that it avoids using your mind. Your
mind will lie to you and keep your head whirling with "maybes"
and "what ifs". Your body knows the truth and willingly
shares it with you. All you have to do is find a way to ask and
then recognize the answer.
little method has worked amazingly well for me as well as everyone
I've shared it with. Try it the next time you're in a quandary and
don't know which direction to take.
Book Report:
The Biology of Belief
I was guided to re-re-re-read Bruce Lipton's amazing book, The
Biology of Belief, in which he explains clearly how our thoughts
and emotions affect the cells in our body.
case you haven't heard of Bruce, he's a Ph.d., research scientist,
medical school professor, and cellular biologist who for many years
studied the world of human cells and experienced a scientific epiphany
of huge import in the scientific world. His astounding discovering
was that a cell is not controlled by its genes, but by its physical
and energetic environment.
along with him as he relates how he made this astounding discovery
and how this knowledge can be used by everyone to create better
health for their body. Although he discusses the scientific he does
so in a manner that is not only easy to understand but is entertaining
as well.
believe that now, more than ever, we need as much help as we can
get in learning how we can support our human body in having the
strongest, most efficient immune system ever. The information that
Bruce shares with us teaches how to do just that.

Master of Your Beliefs Rather than
a Victim of
Their Consequences
your life running on default programming?
beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. Neurological research
indicates that as much as 95% of your conscious brain activity
is controlled by your subconscious. These subconscious beliefs create
the filters through which you respond to life's challenges, establishing
the limits of what you can achieve. In other words, everything
you do, think, and feel is governed by your beliefs.
you change your beliefs, you change your life.
simple and easy to change your limiting beliefs into those that
support you so you can easily create a better quality life for yourself.
provides powerfully effective methods to rewrite the software of
your mind so your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs
are aligned.
information here...