Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
May 15, 2023
Vol.#20 Issue#10

Always... the best remedy for dealing with a troubled past is living in the present.

Mike Dooley

12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

Delightfully Unusual Acts of Love

We all know what love is supposed to look like. After all, we have movies, ads, romance novels, TV shows, and other such media telling us how to recognize love. They tell us that love is romantic stuff like men giving flowers, jewelry, and perfume to the woman they love. It's things like dining and dancing, physical demonstrations such as hugging and kissing, and making sacrifices for the loved one. Those sorts of things.

The truth is that real love often shows up in unique, unusual, and often unexpected ways. Here are some real life examples that I've witnessed and experienced:

  • When I went to a local nursery recently to purchase some plants, a man who worked there spent quite a bit of time asking me what I wanted as he gave me a tour of their offerings. After I found the tree I wanted, plus a few more plants, I went into their little office to pay for them. That same man was my cashier. As he was taking my check I noticed that he had the remains of red and blue nail polish on his fingernails. "Did your daughter do that?" I asked him, guessing that's what happened. "Yes!" he said with a huge, happy grin. Who else but a loving father would let his 8 year old daughter paint his fingernails and then be so proud to show them off?
  • Well, I'll tell you who else would be proud to show off his painted nails. My neighbor, that's who. When he recently remarried, he inherited a granddaughter. She's a wonderfully exhuberant, happy, creative seven year old girl. Recently her grandpa came over to my house and was wearing flip flops. I couldn't help but notice his colorfully painted toe nails. When I commented on them he proudly said his granddaughter did them. She changes the colors from time to time and he's always happy to show off her artistic toe-nail painting. That's love.
  • When we first got together, my husband was NOT into birthdays. I, on the other hand, believe that birthdays are the most important days in anyone's life. So I was very much disappointed when my birthday rolled around and there was no presents or celebration from him. Likewise, he didn't want to do anything special for his birthday. After several years of no surprises, no special effort, no birthday fun, I finally gave up. Then, a few years ago my birthday rolled around and as usual I expected nothing. So I was hugely surprised when I opened the refrigerator the morning of my birthday and found a GIGANTIC birthday card facing me! Later that day I found another birthday card in the silverware drawer. And another card on my computer keyboard. They were everywhere! He'd gotten ten cards and hid them all over the house. What a happy, delightful, and unexpected act it was of his love for me. It's now became a tradition and each year around my birthday I look forward to this delightful act of love from him.
  • Another neighbor of ours has two young daughters. The older one is really into very physical outdoor activities. Recently I've seen the older one and her dad playing catch with a baseball. Well, he catches and throws. She misses the catch, runs after the ball which he's thrown to her, picks it up, and throws it back toward him. He's extremely patient with her as he teaches her how to catch and throw, and progress is being made. Recently I saw him gently tossing her the ball as she stood poised with a baseball bat in her hand. She'd swing and miss, then run after the ball, pick it up, and throw it toward him. Again, he'd toss it to her and she'd swing and miss. Only a dad who loves his child so very much would have the needed patience to teach the youngster how to catch, throw, and hit a baseball.

As you go through your days, I invite you to be alert to the many unusual ways that people show their love. It'll warm your heart and put a smile on your face.

You might also consider unusual ways in which you can show your love to others.


Joy Essential Oil

This delicious-smelling blend of ten essential oils produces a magnetic energy that brings joy to the heart, mind, and soul - not only to the one wearing it, but to all who come near and can smell the delicious aroma. It also helps overcome depression and grief.

I place a drop in the palm of my hand and gently apply it to my forehead (third eye chakra) and on my throat (the chakra of communication). Another of my fav ways to enjoy it is to place about 5 or 6 drops in my bath water. It can also ba applied over the heart, thymus, temples and wrists.

Available from Young Living Essential Oils, whose oils are organically grown and steam processed for the purest quality of essential oils. Although other oils may be organic, if they're processed using chemicals there are residual chemicals that remain in the oils. If you wish to sign up as a wholesale customer, please use my number as your referrer: 405708.


The Magical Mystical Manual
Wondrous Tools to Enhance Your Life

YOU are a magical, mystical being.

You have talents, abilities, and powers beyond those that you currently are aware of or believe that you have. The most important of these is your ability to communicate with your spiritual guidance.

However, because your spirit guides reside in other dimensions it can often be difficult for them to communicate with you… and you with them. Thus, it's often necessary to use certain oracles or tools, such as Tarot or a pendulum. Once you learn how to decode their messages using these tools, communication between you and your spirit guides becomes almost as easy as calling them on the phone. (Well, almost!)

The easy-to-understand instructions in this book expand your awareness so you can quickly recognize and interpret the guidance being shared with you by your sources of Higher Wisdom.

The methods included are time-honored systems such as:

  • How You Receive Spiritual Guidance
  • Psychic Protection
  • Communicating with Your Body
  • Animal Spirit Guides
  • Channeling Your Spirit Guides
  • Getting Into the Swing with a Pendulum
  • Crystals, Gems, and Stones
  • Curing Geopathic Stress
  • Reading the Tarot Intuitively

More information HERE

Available now at in paperback


Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328