Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 30th
June 1, 2021
Vol.#17 Issue#11


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Omnidimensional Oracles
is now available in paperback and Kindle on!

Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

Each ebook only $2.99
Now available on Kindle

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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

Mercury Retrograde's Highest Purpose

Well, here we are in one of our three annual Mercury Retrograde periods. This one began May 30 and ends June 22. Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, memory, and transportation.

For those of you not familar with the astrological and energetic impact of Mercury Retrogrades, the simple explanation is that during these three weeks things associated with communication can go haywire. Thinking becomes muddled and confused. Computers crash and burn. Conversations are less than satisfactory, to put it kindly.

The benefit of Mercury retrograde is that it offers opportunities to fix what hasn't been working for some time. Awareness grows about your muddled thinking, nudging you into researching how to clarify your thoughts. After putting up with glitches in how your computer malfunctions, you finally get it repaired or go buy a new computer. Before you have an important conversation with someone, you rehearse what you want to say so that your message is received in a most beneficial manner.

The key to Mercury retograde is the RE part. It's a time for REdoing, REevaluating, REpairing, REconsidering, and all the thousands of other RE things.

In alignment with this energy, I invite you to REvisit some of the past articles I've shared with you. Scroll down the list until you find one that draws your attention or that sounds like a timely subject. Use it like you would any oracle and select one at random, just as you would select a Tarot card.

Here's the link to the dusty, crusty archives. Enjoy your trip!


The Akashic Record is the record of your Soul since your very first beginning or incarnation. It contains all your personal history, everything you've ever experienced in every lifetime you've ever had... and you've had hundreds and possibly thousands of lifetimes!

Imagine the wealth of information - the knowledge and wisdom - stored in your Akashic Record.

Imagine how all that information can help guide you through challenges you're facing now.

Using the seven major chakras as the gateway to your Akashic Record, astounding wisdom is revealed to you... wisdom you've gained throughout all your past lifetimes.

More information here...

Become a Master of Your Beliefs Rather than
a Victim
of Their Consequences

Is your life running on default programming?

Your beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. Neurological research indicates that as much as 95% of your conscious brain activity is controlled by your subconscious. These subconscious beliefs create the filters through which you respond to life's challenges, establishing the limits of what you can achieve. In other words, everything you do, think, and feel is governed by your beliefs.

When you change your beliefs, you change your life.

It's simple and easy to change your limiting beliefs into those that support you so you can easily create a better quality life for yourself. PSYCH-K provides powerfully effective methods to rewrite the software of your mind so your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs are aligned.

More information here...

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328