Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
June 1 , 2022
Vol.#18 Issue#10


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

Each ebook only $2.99
Now available on Kindle

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The articles in all of these ezines are available for you to use in your ezine or on your website. Please retain the copyright information and if you are using it on your website or ezine, please provide a link to My gratitude knows no bounds for your kindness.

Under One Roof
All rights reserved

Cheers for You!

As it has always been on our beloved Planet Earth, daily we humans are moving into our new reality. Now, more than ever, it's important that we consciously choose how we're creating our new reality so that it becomes even better than what we had prior. All that we do, think, and feel is contributing to what comes to us.

Therefore, it's important to find and incorporate into your life those things that make you feel good and raise the frequency of your energy. Feeling happy, comfortable, relaxed, confident, cheerful and everything and anything else that raises your energy is a huge benefit in creating the world you desire.

To help you in that endeavor, I share here a list of some things that I do to cheer myself up and keep my energy at a higher frequency level:

  • Books: When I worked at a bookstore years ago I came to the realization that I was in the presence of the best offerings of some great minds. Each one of those books contained the greatest thoughts that the authors shared. However, I also noticed that while some books left me with a sense of happiness, higher energy, and hope, others had the exact opposite affect on me. Through the years I've found some authors whose books leave me happier when I read them. Those that left me feeling depressed, sad, fearful, angry, or some other such undesireable emotion I got rid of. Now I read books by authors whose stories are wondrously amazing and uplifting, leave me giggling throughout the book, and are full of positive and hope-filled messages.
  • Movies in DVD: Years ago my husband and I realized that we were watching only old movie stations on TV and also were acquiring a library of DVDs. So we cancelled cable TV. (As a plus, immediately both my husband and I could feel a difference in the energy of our living room. It felt cleaner, smoother, more clear.) Now we have a huge library of DVDs and we watch commercial-free movies of our choosing - movies that leave us feeling happy.
  • Gobs of Gratitude: When I go to bed at night and before I get up in the morning I think of at least five things I'm grateful for. They don't have to be hugely important. It could be things like my warm, comfy bed, flannel sheets, a cup of hot herbal tea, the beautiful Cedar tree outside my window, the fun antics of the squirrels that come to our bird feeders. This practice starts my day by infusing me with the frequency of gratitude, which is right next to that of the highest of all frequencies - love. And it ends my day by lulling me into sweet sleep.
  • The Pink Energy of Love: Morning and night, and sometimes during the day if I feel the need, I close my eyes and envision myself surrounded by the pink energy of love. Within a few moments I can feel the comfort and peacefulness it brings. Here's the simple instructions: Close your eyes and take three slow, gentle breaths. Visualize the pink energy of love surrounding your entire body. Play with the thickness of it, the brightness of its light, the viscosity of it. Notice the comfort, calm, and peace of that energy. Stay in the energy for as long as you like.
  • My bunny slippers: Not only do they keep my feet warm and cozy, they're so doggone cute I can't help but smile when I look at them! The ears flop around a bit as I walk, making them even more fun. My cat, Silver, used to use their whiskers as dental floss! You can get your very own pair at
  • P'taah's Morning Song: I read this inspirational reminder of all that I have to be grateful for every morning, and as I do so I feel a shift in my energy to a frequency of higher vibration - both emotional and physical - uplifting me and taking me to a place of peace, harmony, and universal love. You can read it in this past edition of my newsletter:
  • Daily Note from the Universe: Every day I look forward to receiving via email a Note from the Universe. (Actually its from Mike Dooley, who wrote the book by the same name.) The message is always uplifting, supportive, and fun. Here's a sample: "Always do what you can. Because once you at least do what you can, no matter how seemingly insignificant, everything changes." Sign up for your very own daily Note from the Universe here:
  • Notes from the Universe - the book: Each morning I open this book to a random page and read one of the fun and inspiring messages. Sometimes it's so much fun that I read several pages. Here's one of my favorites: "Actually, it's pretty simple. You have one real choice - to do your best, with what you have, from where you are. Everything else is just stalling."
  • Crystals: Quartz crystals have the quality of being able to receive and radiate energy. They were once used to send radio signales in the original radios, which were called "Crystal Sets". When you have crystals in your environment their naturally high frequency is radiated outward, surrounding you. Then, through the natural process of entrainment, the frequency of your body is raised to a higher level. Additionally, crystals are some of the most beautiful things in our natural world, and just looking at them is pleasing and uplifting. There are crystals of many kinds in every room of our house and my Crystal Room has almost 200 crystals in it. When guests come into that room, they are reluctant to leave! Little wonder, with all that wonderful energy.
  • Reiki: Commonly known as "hands-on healing", the practice of Reiki is actually a method for removing energy blocks. It can be used for situations, issues, relationships, as well as for physical things such as plants, animals, and humans. It works by moving energy through the chakras in the palms of one's hands to specific parts of the body. The result is that the energy blockages are diminished or released.

What's on your list of cheers?

Cheerfully sending you Love,

Intuitive Tarot:
The Key that Unlocks
Your Inner Wisdom

Almost every class, workshop, and course on learning how to read the Tarot uses a system that requires memorizing all 78 Tarot cards and their meanings. Most of these teachings suggest you spend an hour or two meditating on one card per day until you've gone through the entire deck. The problem with this method is that most people will have forgotten the meaning of most of the cards by the time they get to the last one.

If you've ever tried to learn the Tarot using any - or all - of these methods, you'll be jumping-up-and-down happy to learn that you won't have to do that with my method.

The methods I've used throughout the years in my many readings are the same methods I’ve taught in my classes. This has resulted in all of my students becoming adept Tarot card readers within a matter of hours instead of within months. As a bonus, they also quickly learn to trust their intuition during the practice of interpreting the cards. Using my methods enhances the student's connection to their own spiritual guidance.

More information here...

Tai Chi

Really Simplified
Yang Style Tai Chi

Millions of people are practicing this ancient Chinese martial art and as they do so, they realize many health benefits, such as better balance, flexibility, more energy and muscle strength. Many use it as a moving meditation.

Whatever reason draws you learn Tai Chi, my Stickman series of ebooks for Yang style Tai Chi has the basic knowledge a beginning Tai Chi student needs in an easy-to-understand format. Basic and important information such as proper foot placement, movement techniques, and body positions is included in the step-by-step instructions. Stickman illustrations give clear insight into positions for each movement.

What you'll find in these ebooks reflects the knowledge and experience I've gained from my 30+ years of Tai Chi study and practice. Although they are designed to be used as a supplement for your Tai Chi practice outside of class, many have used them as their main source for learning Tai Chi.

Stickman Tai Chi: The 24 Movement Form
This is one of the most common Forms used to teach beginners the basic movements of Tai Chi. The basic 24 Movment Form contains the foundational movements that are in all other Tai Chi Forms. There is much to learn about Tai Chi and many levels of knowledge that a student may enjoy learning before moving on to more advanced levels and Forms. This Stickman 24 Movement Form includes illustrated instruction for proper stances, how to correctly step forward, backward, and change direction, as well as important hand, foot, and body positions to get you started with the proper basic knowledge.

Now available on in Kindle format

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328