Beneficial Inclusion 
is within all the inclusion of diverse quantities and qualities of energies. Were
all energies to be the same, there would not be a world as you know it - one full
of a variety of colors, smells, shapes, textures. Instead, all would be assembled
into one amorphous field of bland energy. However,
all that exists does include a specific quantity and quality of elements. Water,
for example, contains two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Should the inclusion
of certain herbal molecules be included you would know it not as water but as
tea. The inclusion of only a few elements changes the first product from simple
pure water into a flavorful, and often healing, drink. As
you can easily understand from this one example, it doesn't take the inclusion
of much in the way of a new or different element to greatly change a thing. Your
scientists are continually playing with the inclusion of one element into an existing
group of elements to discover what may occur or what the results might prove.
The inclusion of only one molecule of a differing element can create an entirely
new and diverse product or object. Now
we shift our focus from the micro to the macro. In
your world, you have inclusive groups of people that are united for one reason
or another. They have in common something that connects them, such as their work,
family, beliefs, a common interest, or a hobby. These units of people are bonded
with each other and have discovered how to function within their group. The
dynamic of the group energy is at stasis until a new element is introduced into
the existing unit. Then a new dynamic among the members of the groups will occur.
This, in effect, changes the unit into a new energy pattern. This is similar to
the manner in which the inclusion of a new molecule introduced into an existing
chemical will change the energy of it. In
humanity, inclusion is a choice. However, before the choice there must first be
investigation and information gathering for the results to be successful. Without
this important first step, the results could be less than desired, or even disastrous.
Only when sufficient information is gathered, organized, absorbed, and integrated,
can the decision of inclusion or non-inclusion then be made. Vital
to this process of discernment regarding inclusion of a new element is the benefit
it may have to each of the existing parts and pieces separately, as well as to
the existing unit as a whole. The addition of one note to an existing symphony
may be of benefit to all but a few of the existing melodies. This would then have
the disruptive effect of causing disharmony amongst the symphony in its entirety.
Each note included in the symphony must be harmonious with all other notes or
the music will become discordant.
All elements, diverse as they may be, must be of benefit and of harmonious energy
in all inclusions and with all other elements. To do otherwise is to invite disharmony
and potential disaster. Inclusion
of many diverse elements that are harmonious into one unit creates a stronger,
more pleasing unit. One note may be pleasing, but it is much more pleasant to
hear an entire group of harmonious notes played as a song. The
inclusion of harmonious diversity into any thing makes for a better, more beneficial
unit. Growth
is the nature of the universe and what better way to grow than to include more
and better diverse elements into the existing. With appropriate discernment, inclusion
can be used in the creation of that which is greater for the benefit of all.
Love, Kathy
Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose 
were born into this world with a purpose. You
have important work to do - work that only you can do - in order to be of the
greatest good and highest service to all. This
work is your life purpose. An
Inner Journey leads you to your destiny. It opens you to new awarenesses as
you uncover the clues that guide you back to your life purpose: - You'll
learn how to transform your fears into your best allies.
- You'll
create systems so you can get the support you want, when you want it.
- You'll
be gently guided through the process of creating a solid foundation on which to
stand as you get control of your life.
And you'll begin to easily integrate your life purpose into your entire life.
book is chock full of simple, fun, yet powerful exercises that illuminate your
life purpose and then guide and support you to truly live your highest
purpose. Examples are: - The
Job from Hell
- Walking
Through Time
- Your
Fabulous Career
- Your
Most Grande Failure
- Asking
for Support: The Fine Art of Delegation
- "Shoulding"
All Over Yourself
the journey of your life - An Inner Journey.