Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
August 1, 2022
Vol.#18 Issue#14

The truth is always quicker.

12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

Wisdom of the Spider

We are connected to everything on this Earth more deeply and intimately than we could ever imagine. Beyond the balance of nature, such as trees giving us oxygen to breath and in turn, we giving them carbon dioxide to breath, we are connected energetically to all things of, on, and in this beautiful planet.

This truism was recently brought to the fore of my awareness by a spider bite.

It took me a while to get that it was more than just another insect bite. In fact, I didn't even get the importance of it until after it seemed it was healing, and then the infected area got larger, itchier, and more inflamed and swollen. When I finally realized that the inflammation wasn't going away, it dawned on me that this was an animal message and I'd better pay attention and get the message. But what was the message?

Well, part of the message was obvious. Because I wasn't paying attention to something, I got bitten. The bite was to grab my attention. But what was I missing?

I turned to my books by Ted Andrews (Animal-Wise and Animal Speak), and although there is much wisdom in those books, none of it seemed to be especially applicable to me now. After musing on the issue for a day or so the message finally came to me.

I was focusing on the hurt and not the healing.

No wonder the inflammation wasn't going away! As per The Law of Attraction, I was getting more of what I was focusing on - the injury and how much it itched, how red and inflamed it was, and how it had become swollen.

As soon as I got the message I shifted my inner focus to envision the red inflammation receding, feel how much less the area itched, and notice how the swelling had receded. As I did so, the inflammation actually did began receding, the itching stopped, and healing began... on more than just the physical level.

I thanked the spider for bringing me this message and giving me new awareness about how I was focusing on what I didn't want, and thus manifesting more of it.

So now I'm noticing when I'm focusing on what I don't want and immediately I shift my thoughts to what I do want. As I go through my day I become aware of any negative thoughts more quickly and am then able to instantly shift them to the positive.

What don't you want in your life and are focusing on?

How might you shift your focus to manifest what you do want in your life?


The Power of Books

Books have always been an important part of my life.

When I worked at a bookstore, I used to look around the store in amazement at all of the wondrous knowledge that was available to me in all the thousands of books that were gathered together in that one place. It was like having all of the wisest people in all the world in all of history right in front of me, ready to share the best and juiciest parts of their wisdom with me.

Picking up a book and reading it was like walking up to the author and saying, "tell me the most important thing that you know". And they would. All I had to do was open the arcana - the treasure chest of their books.

With that in mind, here are links to two of Ted Andrew's books about animals and the wisdom they offer us:

Stress Away Essential Oil Blend
From Young Living

I LOVE the aroma of this essential oil! Just one whiff and I feel tension leave my body, replaced by a sense of warmth and comfort. The oils that compose this blend are copaiba, lime, cedarwood (my favorite tree!), vanilla, ocotea, and lavender.

This is a gentle, fragrant blend that brings a feeling of peace and tranquility and helps relieve daily stress and nervous tension. It helps with normal everyday stress, improves mental responses, promotes relaxation, and lowers hypertension. (Source: The Essential Oils Desk Reference)

All essential oils from Young Living are organically grown, steam distilled and Therapeutic Grade, assuring you of the highest quality oils that are free of any petrochemicals.

How to use:

  • Apply a drop or two on the wrists, neck, temples, over the heart, on chakras, and on the edge of the ears.
  • Directly inhale
  • Diffuse for 20 to 30 minutes per day
  • Add 3 to 5 drops to bath water for a relaxing soak (my favorite!)

Available online at Young Living Essential Oils

(You can use my Sponsor Number 405708
if you want to set up an account.)

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328