the Outward An Omnidimensional Message 
as there is a proper time in which to go inward, so is there an appropriate time
to focus on the outward world. This time is as the outbreath of God - a forceful
and energetic time. If
all were of the inner world, nothing physical would exist. And yet, without the
physical there would be no opportunity to have experiences from which you might
learn and, as a result, raise your consciousness and thus your frequency. In
your world there is polarity. This results in the reality that if there is one
there must be its opposite. And so it is with the outward world and the inward
world. They exist together in a most symbiotic way. From
the creation or production of the inward world comes the manifested physical of
the outward world in which you actualize your experiences and gain your learning.
the proper time, outward focus is a most powerful and wondrous reality. It is
where you obtain the raw material with which you create during the period of inwardness.
All of the physical outward production is a necessary part of the entire process
of raising your consciousness and, subsequently, your vibration and light quotient.
time of being outward in the physical is a time to be greatly honored and appreciated.
It gives you the proof of that which you created during your inward phase. As
you have your experiences in the outward world, you gain more knowledge and information
with which you can then improve your creation during the next iteration of it
in the inward phase. The
greatest and most valuable use of the outward phase is to gather as much information
as is possible about all things you encounter. It is this information that you
digest, sort through, and assimilate during the inward phase. It becomes your
knowledge and, in the final stages, your wisdom. It
is this that serves the greatest purpose of all - supporting your growth both
personally and as a species. It is more than necessary to your evolution. Without
the outward physical you have no evidence of how, or even if, you are proceeding.
the outward phase as you honor the inward phase, for both are equal in value and
importance. Love, Kathy
and the Omnis

Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Human Evolution These
Omnidimensional Oracle symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional
Beings and myself to communicate specific energies of conceptual systems of belief
by which we humans operate in our world. The written messages that accompany each
of the symbols describe their energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional
reality, and how they may be used for the higher purpose of raising frequential
vibration of each person and subsequently, that of the collective of humanity.
are greater than what you currently deem them to be. They are powerful beyond
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concepts to the greater utilization of them in our world. No matter what your
level of experience and knowledge, these symbols are a valuable aid in understanding
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may be used singularly as daily guidance or in multiples for more complete information
and guidance regarding a specific issue or subject. Available
now at Amazon.com in paperback
$15.00  Also
available in Kindle ebook at Amazon.com

your life running on default programming? While
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beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. Neurological research indicates
that as much as 95% of your conscious brain activity is controlled by your subconscious. These
subconscious beliefs create the filters through which you respond to life's challenges,
establishing the limits of what you can achieve. Everything you do, think, and
feel is governed by your beliefs.
When you change your beliefs, you change your life.
With PSYCH-K it's simple and easy to change your limiting beliefs into those that
support your growth so you can create a better quality life for yourself. Transform
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information about Psych-K HERE!