and speak the truth. Interdimensional
12 Strand DNA Activation
Akashic Wisdom Retrieval 
Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks
ebook only $2.99 Now available on Kindle
a friend forwarded The Journal of Spirited Coaching to you, you
can subscribe and get your very own newsletter sent to you personally twice a
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STATEMENT: I will not distribute your email address to
anyone. Period. | Experiencing
a creative drought? The
articles in all of these ezines are available for you to use in your ezine or
on your website. Please retain the copyright information and if you are using
it on your website or ezine, please provide a link to
My gratitude knows no bounds for your kindness. Copyright©2022
Under One Roof All rights reserved |
You Could... I
rarely get headaches. It's years, decades between any headaches I may suffer from.
This is why I when I do get them, I'm at a loss as to what to do to get rid of
them. This
was the situation when, years ago, I was suffering from a very painful headache.
My husband was trying to console me. "I wish I knew what to do to help you,"
he lovingly said. "Well,
if you did know, what would you do?" I responded, probably not in the most
kindly tone of voice. After all, I was in pain, you understand. He
sat next to me and looked at the floor, deep in thought for a few minutes. "Well,
I guess I'd put my hand here," he said, placing his open hand on my forehead.
"And then I'd do this," he said as he pointed the fingers of his other
hand downward. I
had no idea what he was doing, but whatever it was, it worked. Almost immediately
the pain began retreating and within a few minutes my headache had completely
disappeared. Amazed,
I asked him, "What did you do? My headache is gone!" "Well,
with my one hand on your forehead I was envisoning drawing the pain out and with
the other hand I was sending the pain down into the earth," he replied. "I
didn't know what to do, but that came to me and I guess it worked." And
that was my first hint that sometimes people can do amazing things if they can
just get out of their own way. And one of the easiest and fastest ways to do that
is to simply ask, "If I could, what would I do?" In
one of Dan Brown's fascinating books, he has a woman scientist who, when faced
with a problem she can't solve, simply says to herself, "I know the solution
to this." And then she lets it go. Soon, almost magically, the answer comes
to her. How
we talk to ourselves either limits our abilities or creates our solutions. There
are words that shut down your brain, such as "have to", "should",
"can't". Conversely there are words that start your brain to working,
such as "might", "could", "want to". The
next time you're facing a dilema that you think is unsolvable, ask yourself, "If
I could find the solution to this, what might it be?" Then just wait for
the answer to magically appear! Love,
Soon! I
subscribe to several newsletters sent out by people who share their wisdom and
knowledge in order to help us live better lives. Some of them I've followed for
more years than I can remember. A few have compiled their chosen favorite messages
into books, which I have and re-read from time to time whenever I feel the nudge
to do so. Always when I do so, I find the wisdom and knowledge within these books
to be very timely and helpful for whatever is going on in my life at the time. Sometimes
I begin at the beginning of the book and read all the way through to the end.
Other times I use it as an oracle and, while I focus on an issue, open to a random
page. Both methods offer me renewed and sometimes new insights to inspire and
support me in my lifewalk. For
thirteen (wow!) years I've been writing the articles for this newsletter and gratefully
sharing it with my readers. Now I sense that it's time for me to gather the best
of these articles into a print book so that my online newsletter readers might,
at their leisure and whenever they feel the urge, access the knowledge and wisdom
I've been given to share with them through the years. So
I've been revisiting the dusty, crusty archives of my newsletters from circa 2006
to 2015, selecting the articles I think hold the best and most timeless wisdom.
I'm in the last stages of editing and cleaning up any nits in the first book of
collected articles from The Journal of Spirited Coaching, and will be publishing
the collection, in print, soon on Stay
Power Essential Oil Blend From Young Living This
essential oil blend promotes deep concentration and channels physical energy into
mental energy. It also increases mental potential and clarity and long-term use
may retard the aging process. Many of the oils in this blend are high in sesquiterpene
compounds that increase activity in the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands.
oils in this blend also help dissolve petrochemicals that congest the receptor
sites, clearing the "brain fog" that people experience due to exposure
to synthetic petrochemicals in food, skin, hair products, and so on. (Source:
The Essential Oils Desk Reference) Oils
in this blend are: - Frankincense
- stimulates the limbic part of the brain helping to overcome depression
- Sandalwood
- high in sesquiterpenes, which stimulate the pineal gland and limbic region of
the brain
- Melissa
- removes emotional blocks and instills a positive outlook
- Cedarwood
- stimulates the pineal gland, which releases melatonin
- Blue
Cypress - improves circulation and increases the flow of oxygen to the brain
- Lavender
- improves concentration and mental acuity, according to researchers at University
of Miami. It also reduces depression and improves cognitive performance.
- Helichrysum
- stimulates optimum nerve function and enhances cognition.
essential oils from Young Living are organically grown, steam distilled and Therapeutic
Grade, assuring you of the highest quality oils that are free of any petrochemicals. How
to use: - Apply
a drop or two on the back of the neck, throat, temples, and under the nose
- Directly
- Put
4 - 8 drops on cotton balls or tissues and place over heat vents
- Apply
1 - 2 drops on the inside of cheeks in the mouth
online at Young Living Essential Oils
(You can use my Sponsor Number 405708 if you want to set up an account.) |