The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation

It's time!

Step up to the next level of your spiritual evolution with the activation of your 12 DNA strand and the 12 layers of interdimensional energy that surrounds them.



by Kathy Wilson, Warrior Priestess

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You just never know what gems you may find!






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Now you can enjoy the creme de la creme of articles from my newsletter, The Journal of Spirited Coaching, in your very own ebook. Each ebook features the best articles from two years worth of newsletters. Even better - there's no advertisements or notices about events long past. Just the one thing you really want when you receive your bi-monthly Journal of Spirited Coaching newsletter - the article.

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Wisdom of Warrior Priestess: Volume I

The work of a priestess is to receive wisdom from Higher Sources interpret the information. She must then translate the messages into language that can be understood by the masses.

For many years, it has been my responsibility, my honor, and my privilege as Warrior Priestess Magdalene to interpret and share the messages I've received from my Sources of Higher Wisdom. This is the first of several ebooks in which I share with you the tidbits of wisdom my spiritual guides have given me. All are intended to ease your journey this life walk.

More information here...

Wisdom of Warrior Priestess: Volume II

More Wisdom from Warrior Priestess. These specially selected articles were originally published in my newsletter, The Journal of Spirited Coaching. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about the Law of Attraction, personal boundaries, alternative healing, astrology and more.

For many years, it has been my responsibility, my honor, and my privilege as Warrior Priestess Magdalene to interpret and share the messages I've received from my Sources of Higher Wisdom. This is the second of several ebooks in which I share with you the tidbits of wisdom my spiritual guides have given me. All are intended to ease your journey this life walk.

More information here...

Wisdom of Warrior Priestess: Volume III

And even more Wisdom from Warrior Priestess. These specially selected articles are the creme de la creme from my newsletter, The Journal of Spirited Coaching. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about working with energy, manifesting, healthy living, and more.

For many years, it has been my responsibility, my honor, and my privilege as Warrior Priestess Magdalene to interpret and share the messages I've received from my Sources of Higher Wisdom. This is the third of several ebooks in which I share with you the tidbits of wisdom my spiritual guides have given me. All are intended to ease your journey this life walk.

More information here...

Wisdom of Warrior Priestess: Volume IV

And yet more Wisdom from Warrior Priestess. I specially selected these articles my newsletter, The Journal of Spirited Coaching. which I believe to be some of the best. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about working with energy, manifesting, healthy living, and more.

Through the years it has been my responsibility, my honor, and my privilege as Warrior Priestess Magdalene to interpret and share these messages that I've received from my Sources of Higher Wisdom. This is the fourth in a series of ebooks in which I share with you the tidbits of wisdom my spiritual guides have given me.

More information here...

Wisdom of Warrior Priestess: Volume V

In the continuing series of Warrior Priestess Wisdom ebooks, Volume V is one of my favorites. I specially selected the articles from my enewsletter, The Journal of Spirited Coaching. and I believe they are some of the best yet. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about working with energy, manifesting, healthy living, and more.

I share with you the tidbits of wisdom my spiritual guides have given me in this fifth ebook in the series of Warrior Priestess Wisdom.

The experiences you have serve one purpose: to offer you knowledge with which you can improve your life and raise your vibration. The messages in this ebook, and those books that follow, will assist you in gleaning the knowledge and wisdom you desire.

More information here...

Wisdom of Warrior Priestess VI

In the continuing series of Warrior Priestess Wisdom ebooks, the articles in this volume are especially powerful. The wisdom contained within them can have huge impact on your life... for the better, of course.

As always, I specially selected the articles from my enewsletter, The Journal of Spirited Coaching. and I believe they are some of the best yet. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about working with energy, manifesting, healthy living, and more.

My work as a priestess is to receive wisdom from Higher Sources and then interpret the information. I translate the messages into language that can be better and more easily understood in today's world.

More information here...

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The articles in all of these ezines are available for you to use in your ezine or on your website. Please retain the copyright information and if you are using it on your website or ezine, please provide a link to My gratitude knows no bounds for your kindness in retaining the copyright information and providing a link.

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Kathy Wilson
680 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365
Phone: 360.437.9328


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