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January 15, 2022
Vol.#18 Issue#1


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Under One Roof
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Choosing a Better World with Love

The Law of Attraction, as brought to us by Esther Hicks and Abraham, is as follows:

That which is like unto itself is drawn.

What this means is that like attracts like. So whatever you're thinking and feeling, you're going to attract more of it to yourself.

This is especially important to remember when you're making a choice. And you make choices a lot more often than you may think. For example, every emotion you feel is the result of a choice you made about how you're going to react to an event, person, situation and more. In fact, you choose how you're going to react to everything that comes into your awareness.

Granted the majority of responses you have to anything are driven by your subconscious mind. Scientific research has shown that approximately 90% of all human thought is subconscious programming. However, you can override your subconscious with the use of intentional, conscious choices... also known as Freedom of Choice.

Here's an example: you're in a restaurant with friends and are receiving bad service from a waitperson who is being snippy with you. You can choose to think that the waitperson is ruining your time with your friends and become angry, which will have the effect of adding to the negative energy. Or you can choose to think that the waitperson is having some personal trouble which allows you to feel compassion for them, thus easing the negative, hostile energy and shifting it into the energy of love.

Remember that emotions are energy and as such, are radiated outward from us. The waitperson in the above example was emitting angry energy outward, which everyone around her sensed. Most people won't be aware that they're responding to the anger energy of another but their own energy and thus their behavior will shift accordingly. Therefore it is of great value for you to pay attention to how you are choosing to react and respond to situations and people.

If you want a better world, then choose it. Begin now to consciously respond to your world with love.

Here's one way you can easily shift into doing that:

1. Review your previous day's events. Make a list of any and all encounters that you can remember.
Note next to the encounters the emotion you felt during each of them.
3. Go through the list and at each one ask yourself, "How did the emotional energy affect the result?"
4. If it wasn't a postive, productive result then how could an emotional energy of love (compassion, understanding, patience, caring, kindness, etc.) have produced a more positive response or result?
5. Replay the encounter with a new visual using the energy of love. Notice now how the encounter shifts to a more positive, productive, and pleasant experience.

With daily practice, this method will support you in easily and naturally responding to your world with love. As you do so, the higher frequency of the energy of love that you'll be radiating outward will be shared with all around you. The effect will be felt by all around you, and they will respond by shifting into the higher frequency of love, which in turn is radiated back to you.

And so the love energy that you radiate will continue, like ripples in a pond, radiating outward, growing larger and traveling further. And it all begins with you and your choice to respond to your world with love.

Peace and Love,

Just What Does a Life Purpose Coach Do?
(And How Do They Do it?)

First, let's define Life Purpose Coaching. Just what is it? Here's my definition:

Life Purpose Coaching is a personal, inner growth process guided by a professionally trained coach (me!) that manifests in a higher quality life for the client (you!).

So now that you know what it is, how does it work? Here are a few of the many tools I use with my clients during a coaching session:


When I was going the first of the three coaching schools I attended, one of the most important things I learned was the three levels of listening:

  • Level 1 - Hearing the what the client is saying. This is the level that most people use 90% of the time when they're listening to someone else speak. Although it would seem that Level 1 is the most important and most used method of listening in life coaching, I use the other two levels more often because they offer greater and more valuable information not available in normal listening mode.
  • Level 2 - The words the client is using, their tone of voice, the volume of it, and more offer vital information during coaching. For example, the words the client uses give much insight into what they believe and how they operate in their world.
  • Level 3 - Noticing any visions, thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations received by the client or the coach. Level 3 is the magic place in coaching. Often I've been astounded by the client's response to the visions I share with them that I've received as I'm listening deeply what they're saying.


Often people become so used to their stories that they don't really hear what they're saying. This is when the reflecting done by a life coach comes in handy. It's common for my clients to be stunned into a moment or two of silence as they hear the words they've been using to describe their life, job, relationship, and more. It serves as a wake-up for them to begin using other language to describe things in their life so that they have a different attitude and belief about them. By doing so, they begin to achieve the results they want.

Asking Questions

Life coaches don't have the answers, but we sure do have the questions. We don't ask just everyday questions. We ask questions that open the client to new ways of thinking. Questions that are penetrating, challenging, insightful, and more. The result is that the client opens to new awarenesses and opportunities for changing those things in their life that they're dissatisfied with.


To continue the client's progress that begins during the coaching session I assign homework for them to do between sessions. Then during the next session we talk about the results acquired by the client when they did the homework. If they didn't do the homework then we talk about what stopped them so they learn about dealing with blockages in their life.

This is just a few of the aspects of Life Purpose Coaching. To learn more about what my clients and I do during a coaching session, visit my coaching website:

Overcoming the Winter Blahs... Naturally!

The lack of light during the short days of dark winters affects us all, particularly those of us who live in the northern hemisphere. The Winter Blahs aren't relegated to only those who live in Northern locales, though. People who live in sun-infested states such as Florida, California, Nevada also suffer from SAD.

The Winter Blahs are technically known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD describes pretty accurately what it's like to experience how the lack of light affects our health, both emotional and physical.

Learn what you can do naturally (without prescription drugs or expensive trips to a tropical country) to relieve the depression, lack of energy, weight gain, and other debilitating symptoms of the Winter Blahs.

More information here...

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328