Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
January 15, 2023
Vol.#20 Issue#2

You are not your history.

12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

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Under One Roof
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Hidden Blessings of Mercury Retrograde

Whew. Only three more days and Mercury goes direct. For those of you who are blissfully unaware of the effects of Mercury retrograde this may be a non-event. For the rest of us it's hallelujah time!

Mercury goes retrograde three times a year for three weeks each time. Mercury is the planet that affects all things electrical and electronic. Also communication of any and all types.

This current Mercury retrograde has been a particularly eventful period for me, as well as for others that I've talked to. Here's some of the stuff I experienced in this three week period:

  • My truck began to run extremely rough.
  • My husband's computer died.
  • Our DVD player died.
  • The "check engine light" in my truck came on.
  • We had a power outage in our area for three days. The power came back on and then 12 hours later, went out again for a day.

Now, here's the deal: each event brought on by the energy of Mercury retrograde has hidden within it a beneficial blessing. The blessings of these events? Read on...

  • I had my truck towed up to the nearest Ford dealer, where they discovered the problem was due to rodents chewing on electrical wires (the darling squirrels around our house, no doubt) . The blessing: I had forgotten to change the bags of herbs that repel rodents. Thus the power of their repellent odor had dwindled. This was an expensive and unforgettable reminder to take care of my truck so that it could take care of me. Another blessing: My neighbor asked why I had my truck towed and I told him about the squirrels. As it turned out, he'd noticed signs of them munching on the insulation under the hood of his truck. So I shared the herbal bags with him, thus helping him to avoid the expense of a tow to the mechanic ($400) and the cost of repair. These herb bags are an inexpensive and yet extremely effective cure for rodent damage. And they're highly recommended by the service people at the dealership and at the Jiffy lube where I take my truck for service.
  • My husband's computer was ancient (Windows 7). We bought a new Dell Inspiron Windows 11 laptop. The screen is much more clear and images are more sharply defined. Our hobby is outdoor photography and he uses his computer mostly for editing the photos he takes on our jaunts to the woods and beaches. The blessing: Now he can more clearly see what needs to be enhanced or corrected. His pictures are much more professional looking.
  • Although we have a TV, we don't watch it per se. We disconnected from cable years ago and don't miss the trash, commercials, and EMF that's radiated from the TV with cable hookup. Instead, we have a collection of hundreds of DVD movies from which we can choose what we wish to watch - commercial and EMF free. The blessing: Our new DVD player has a much more clear and crisp picture and the colors are richer.
  • The service manager at the dealer where I take my truck for service told me to go to a local auto parts store, where they have the computers to read the code for the check engine light. It turned out to be a simple sensor issue, which is going to be repaired this weekend. The blessing: finding a resource close to home that can decode that dratted check engine light and do it for free.
  • Luckily, we have a portable generator which is big enough to handle the power needed for our freezer, refrigerator, lights, TV, DVD player, and a portable heater. The blessing: Having the generator! Not everyone has one. The power at our last house was once out for three weeks and our neighbors across the street who didn't have a generator lost over $1000 worth of food in their freezer. Another blessing: All the crews who worked day and night through cold, stormy weather to repair the problem. Crews from surrounding utility districts even came to help. Those guys were a real blessing!

Even though an event occurs that, at the time, seems to be nothing but a bunch of bad, there are hidden blessings in it.

I invite you to reflect on some of the events in your life which, at the time, seemed to be full of nothing but downers. I believe that you'll discover hidden blessings in them.


Coming soon! (probably)

The Magical Mystical Manual

Recently I was roving around my computer files and found a book that I'd started years ago and never completed. What got in my way, I'll probably never know. However, as I reviewed the contents of this book, I decided that it was definitely time for it to be unleashed upon the world!

The subjects covered within this book are my favorites out of all the metaphysical tools that I've studied during my years of journeying through our magical and mystical world.

Here's a sampling of the contents:

  • How You Receive Spiritual Guidance
  • Psychic Protection
  • Communicating with Your Body
  • Animal Spirit Guides
  • Channeling Your Spirit Guides
  • Getting Into the Swing with a Pendulum
  • Crystals, Gems, and Stones
  • Curing Geopathic Stress
  • Reading the Tarot Intuitively

Stay tuned for more about this book, such as where, when, and how it will be available.

An Inner Journey:
Living Your Life Purpose

You were born into this world with a purpose.

You have important work to do - work that only you can do - in order to be of the greatest good and highest service.

This work is your life purpose.

An Inner Journey leads you to that destiny. It opens you to new awarenesses as you uncover the clues that guide you to living your life purpose.

Each of the twelve chapters cover a specific area of your journey to living your life purpose:

  • Your Life Values
  • Personal Boundaries
  • Discovering Your Life Purpose
  • Creating Your Plan
  • Success
  • Motivation and Manifesting
  • Your Personal Support System
  • Your Spiritual Support System
  • Overcoming Fear
  • Plugging Your Energy Leaks
  • Self Care
  • Rewards


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Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328