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Jnauary 15 , 2025
Vol.#23 Issue#2


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Under One Roof
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The Truth of Omission

It is by omission that you come to know truth in all its roles and aspects - the truth of being, of action, of thought. When something is felt to be lacking, that something is always, without exception, a particle of truth.

The complete meaning of truth is not just the absence of dishonesty. It is the truth of how things are, how the Universe and your world are designed to function. These functions are often called Universal Laws because they are absolutes of the nature of reality throughout all dimensions, all worlds, and all time.

When one of these laws is malfunctioning, there is an omission of one of the necessary parts. This results in that law becoming an incomplete truth.

One of these laws is the Law of Attraction. It is an absolute that its function is to attract like to like. Simply explained, this means that all things of a specific vibrational frequency are naturally magnetized or attracted to all others of that same specific and exact frequency.

One example of this is your commonplace saying, "Misery loves company". What that refers to is that those who are feeling lower frequential emotions are emitting vibrations of that specific frequency. This attracts others who are of that same frequential emotion.

Those who are emitting or radiating a higher frequency are not drawn to those who are resonating with a lower frequency. Likewise, those who are resonating lower frequential emotions are repelled by those resonating with higher frequencies.

Therefore, if the person of lower frequency wants to attract to them people and things that will help them feel better, they themselves need to firstly raise their frequency. The person of lower frequential emotions whose intent is to have the Law of Attraction bring them those things desired so as to feel better is lacking one thing: a higher frequency within their self. Thus that one omission will cause failure of the intended manifestation and the desired results will not be forthcoming.

This may result in that person believing, then, that the Law of Attraction is not functional. The truth is that it perpetually functions perfectly. It is bringing to that person exactly the same as that which they are vibrating. When that person corrects the omission by raising their own vibration, those higher vibrational things that they desire will come to them.

An omission of one truth, such as that just described, can mean the outcome or result will be other than that which is desired.

Thus, when interactions with others go awry, when hard-fought results are less than expected, when blockages seem to occur repeatedly, seek out the omission in the truth of the creation and its energy. It is for you, the one who wishes to correct the outer result, to correct first the ommission of the appropriate frequency of your own vibration.

Look for the omission of that which is needed rather than seeking additions to correct malfunctioning. That which is malfunctioning is doing so because there is an omission of something vital and necessary for the completion. Check the energy of all applicable parts and pieces of what you intend to create, whether it is of a physical construct, an emotional nature, or an energy form.

Look beyond the subject or issue to discern what is connected. Look there for an omission that could be adversely affecting the creation or situation.

The omission or lack of one minor thing may cause complete failure or a simple and minor malfunction. Whichever, correcting the omission will always correct the malfunction so that all is operating optimally.


Omnidimensional Oracles
Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Human Evolution

Symbols are greater than what you currently deem them to be. They are powerful beyond your current understanding of them. Their power lies in this one concept:

Symbols hold the energy of the structure of your world
and how it works.

The symbols contained within the pages of this book hold the foundational energy that is the basis of all that exists within all worlds. When used with proper intent, the true purpose and power of these symbols is revealed. They then become oracles of great knowledge and wisdom.

Symbols give structure, meaning, and purpose to the intelligent energy of which all in our world is composed. They bring abstract concepts into our physical world of the Third Dimension and make them substantial so that we can understand them. They bring the invisible energy of our thoughts out into our world and make them visible, tangible.

Of all the beings on our planet, in our dimension, only humans have symbols. All other beings in our here and now have languages by which they communicate using sound and their physical body. It's only humans who have written or drawn symbols which we use for communicating our thoughts to each other.

These Omnidimensional Oracle symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional Beings and myself to communicate specific energies of conceptual systems of belief by which we humans operate in our world. The written messages that accompany each of the symbols describe their energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional reality, and how they may be used for the higher purpose of raising frequential vibration of each person and subsequently, that of the collective of humanity.

More information HERE:

Kathy Wilson, CPC
