Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 30th
April 15 , 2021
Vol.#17 Issue#8


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Omnidimensional Oracles
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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Under One Roof
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Every day I randomly select a symbol from the Omnidimensional Oracles to help guide me during my day. On occasion the symbol has had particularly important meaning for me, as was this one.

I'd been floundering around, trying to get clarity about my next step in the adventure of my life. With that in mind, I flipped through my Omnidimensional Oracles book, opened it to a random page, and received "Diversification". It was the answer to my recent requests for assistance in figuring out what I want to do, now that we're coming out of quarantine/hibernation and things are slightly changed. I was a bit surprised at the information about virus, since the Omnis rarely talk about such things. It gave extra impact to their message, particularly now.

Of additional interest is the fact that I received this card two days before the New Moon. For those of you who aren't familiar with astrology, New Moons are prime times for beginning new things. Farmers used to plant on the New Moon because their crops crew faster and bigger when they did. The same can be true of all aspects of life. What you wish to create or manifest will be bigger and better if it's begun on a New Moon.

Although I received this information in 2016, I believe this message has great importance especially now and hope it is of value to you.

There is much in your world that is of a specific purpose... both natural and manufactured items that are used for only one type of function. You call this "specialization". It is the narrowing of use and purpose for greater focus and more refined results. Items of this ilk are extremely specific in how they may be utilized and for what purpose. Thus, these types of items typically produce well predicted results.This is often a much desired outcome.

There is also much in your world that has multiple uses and purposes. This you call "diversification".

Although items with a single and specific use are often handy to have around, they are limited in their abilities. When an item, or a person for that matter, is a generalist rather than a specialist, their uses become more valuable as they are of a broader scope.

A specific, specialized item or person is more adept at just one purpose. This is not always the most advantageous solution. There is always the possibility of missing a vitally important piece of information regarding the issue when the focus is narrowed so.

It is rare that when something is malfunctioning there is only one cause. Typically the true cause is a combination of causes or connections that are faulty.

For example, when a person falls ill with a cold or flu, it is most often not simply a virus that is to blame, but is instead a combination of elements. The person's immune system may be in a very weakened condition, they may eat a less than healthy diet, they may be exhausted from overwork, and as always, stress is likely a factor. It may be a combination of several or all of these conditions which then makes it possible for the virus to gain foothold, so to speak, in the person's body.

The diversity of all these contributing conditions might better be noticed by a generalist than a specialist. A specialist might tend to focus on only the viral infection while a generalist would address most, if not all, of the ancillary conditions.

Diversification offers a broader range of experiences from which you may learn and thus gain greater knowledge. As you gain more and more of these experience-based learnings, your data base is added to, resulting in a wider variety of information and knowledge being accumulated.

As an issue or challenge appears, the diversified generalist has the ability to pull bits and pieces of relevant information from all the resources and knowledge gained from their variety of experiences. This enables the diversified one to gain a wider perspective, broader in scope and vastly richer in connected information with which a more profound solution may be realized.

Additionally, the diversified approach allows the generalist to consider a spectrum of steps that may be utilized in the process of correcting the issue. A more specific approach narrows the choices of appropriate actions, typically to only one.

Diversification, therefore, also offers a much higher chance of whole and complete correction of the problem. With a diversified approach, if one action isn't solving or demonstrating that it is correcting the issue, there are multiple additional applications and actions that may be utilized.

Often the diversification of a multi-pronged solution is vastly more effective. In the case of a viral attack or infection, the virus can easily mutate to become immune to only one type of attempted cure. However, a diversified program disallows the virus the ability to become immune to all of the attempted cures, since it can mutate to only one immunity at a time.

The call for a diversified program of discovery into the cause of a problem or issue and the implementation of a multifaceted solution is the optimal choice any time the problem is not correctable with only one solution.

And each instance of diversification is, in itself, an opportunity to add to the knowledge base or banks for use at some potential future challenge when the need is for a more complex solution.

Kathy and the Omnis

Omnidimensional Oracles
Universal Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Human Evolution

Of all the beings on our planet, in our dimension, only humans have symbols.These Omnidimensional Oracle symbols have been created in partnership with the Omnidimensional Beings and myself to communicate specific energies of conceptual systems of belief by which we humans operate in our world.

Simple in form yet powerful in use, the 66 symbols in the book are an introduction to unlocking the secrets of our world. The information contained within the description of each symbol can take you from the very beginning stages of understanding Universal concepts to the greater utilization of them in our world.

The written messages that accompany each of the symbols describe their energy, their relationship to our Third Dimensional reality, and how they may be used for the higher purpose of raising frequential vibration of each person and subsequently, that of the collective of humanity.

They may be used singularly as daily guidance or in multiples for more complete information and guidance regarding a specific issue or subject.

More information here

The Energy of Love Meditation

The Energy of Love is a new energy that has been coming onto our planet only in recent years... and it's not what you think.

This energy is the source of all creation.

Not to be confused with the emotion we call love, the Energy of Love includes the emotion and yet is so much more. A forest is a beautiful thing and yet it is not the entire planet. Just so is the emotion of love a beautiful thing and yet it is not the entirety of the Energy of Love.

I was recently given a delightful Energy of Love guided meditation or visualization, during which you connect to the Energy of Love and fill your being with it.

Because we need more of the Energy of Love on our Earth now, I'm gifting the guided meditation to those who are drawn to experience it... so they might fill their being with the Energy of Love and radiate it to everyone and everything.

For more information and the link to instantly download the mp3 version of this meditation, click on this link:

More information here

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328