Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
June 1 , 2023
Vol.#20 Issue#11

There are no challenges, issues, or crises that do not contain within them seeds of opportunity that could not have otherwise existed.

The Complete Notes
from the Universe

Mike Dooley

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Under One Roof
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The Triad of Time
An Omnidimensional Message

In the true nature of what you call past, present, and future time, all three are connected and in a manner which, at your present stage of evolution, is beyond your comprehension. However, it is appropriate that we now give you further knowledge of the true nature of time.

This will not be a complete explanation because as yet you are not ready for the entire body of knowledge regarding time. It is not necessary that you understand all of time but it is beneficial for you to have the next level of knowledge about it. As an analogy, a child in elementary school is not ready or prepared to learn about such as algebra or calculus. There are base mathematical functions the child must learn before advancing to the next level. And so it is with humans learning about the true and complete nature of time.

That which you call past, present, and future, are actually all parts of the whole. It is much like your toes and fingers are parts of your body. They are connected to the whole and yet are the whole.

You know that your past affects how you understand your present and also how your present affects your future. In other words, what occurred in your past created beliefs with which you operate in your present time to create your future. Your choices in the present are based largely on the beliefs which were created as a result of your past experiences. These choices in your present time create your future.

We are talking not only of conscious choices, such as whether to take a certain job or marry a certain person, but also subconscious choices that you make automatically. These would be such as continuing to think the same thoughts about specific subjects without questioning these thoughts. As you continue your thinking without questioning whether your thoughts are beneficial or harmful, how true they actually are, and other such questions that would gain you greater wisdom, you reduce opportunities to improve the quality of your life in the future.

Consequently, the choices you make in the present, whether based on truth or not, are creating your future and are affecting how you create your past as well. For you are Divine creators and with your thoughts you create all in your life - not just your future, but your past as well.

Truly, certain events occurred in your past. However, they exist only as you remember them. Each of you has had encounters with someone who has shared an occurrence with you in your past. This other person may have, in the sharing of your remembrance with them, offered up an entirely different memory or perspective of the event. Suddenly your memory of that past event is altered. Which, then, is the true memory? The old one or the new altered one?

Both are the truth. It is how you choose to remember it that shifts the past for you. As that past memory is altered, so then is your current belief about it. And so then are your thoughts about it changed, so that you now create an altered future, one that is different from that which you created previous to the encounter in your present time.

You hold past, present, and future apart as if they are three separate objects. However they are more closely related than you currently believe them to be. In truth they are all one. They are simply different aspects of the one. Do you now understand how these three facets of a specific event in time overlap and meld together to become one entity and not three separate segments of time?

The next level of knowledge about time will be coming soon, as your evolution is speeding up at a rate not expected by the watchers and helpers of other dimensions... such as ourselves. We are excited to be sharing this information with you, and soon will be sharing more knowledge about the truth of time with you.

Kathy and the Omnis

We are currently operating in one of the greatest transition periods of human existance. The messages from the Omnis, as I call these beings of Light, that are included in this book are specifically selected from all that were received by me over a period of three years. They reflect the most vital and useful knowledge for us now in this time.

Here is a sample of the subjects covered in their messages to us:

  • The Triad of Time
  • Earth's Health
  • The Evolution of Human Communication
  • The Energy of Symbols
  • Sound and the Human Body
  • New Incoming Energies
  • Energy Flow and Creation
  • The End of Fear
  • Beyond Polarity

A Message from the Omnidimensional Beings

Much of the challenges you are now dealing with are those that we also dealt with eons ago in our world. And so we are honored and delighted to be able to offer you the knowledge and the resultant wisdom that we reaped from those experiences.

It is with grand pleasure that we connect with you for the purpose of sharing the knowledge and wisdom we have gleaned from our own ages past of evolution. And now, we share with you what we are able, to guide you along your path as you move closer and closer to attaining higher evolution.

Onward and upward, as the Transcribe (Kathy) loves to say.

Available now at in paperback



The Magical Mystical Manual
Wondrous Tools to Enhance Your Life

YOU are a magical, mystical being.

You have talents, abilities, and powers beyond those that you currently are aware of or believe that you have. The most important of these is your ability to communicate with your spiritual guidance.

However, because your spirit guides reside in other dimensions it can often be difficult for them to communicate with you… and you with them. Thus, it's often necessary to use certain oracles or tools, such as Tarot or a pendulum. Once you learn how to decode their messages using these tools, communication between you and your spirit guides becomes almost as easy as calling them on the phone. (Well, almost!)

The easy-to-understand instructions in this book expand your awareness so you can quickly recognize and interpret the guidance being shared with you by your sources of Higher Wisdom.

The methods included are time-honored systems such as:

  • How You Receive Spiritual Guidance
  • Psychic Protection
  • Communicating with Your Body
  • Animal Spirit Guides
  • Channeling Your Spirit Guides
  • Getting Into the Swing with a Pendulum
  • Crystals, Gems, and Stones
  • Curing Geopathic Stress
  • Reading the Tarot Intuitively

More information HERE

Available now at in paperback


Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328