Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
July 1 , 2021
Vol.#17 Issue#13


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

Each ebook only $2.99
Now available on Kindle

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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

Watch Your But

"Everyone I know has a big but."
Peewee Herman, Peewee's Big Adventure

Those infamous words, although spoken in jest, hold much wisdom. In the movie, Peewee's Big Adventure, he's responding to a young woman who has been giving him excuse after excuse about why she isn't living her life's dream. She is clear about what she wants to do... BUT.

"But" is an interesting word in that it has only one purpose, and that is to deny or negate whatever preceeded it in a sentence.

Remember the last time someone said "but" to you. At the beginning of a sentence the other person agreed with you BUT what came after that tiny word is a denial of the agreeing that came before it.

The ever popular "Yeah, but" is a way too common example of the use of "but". "Yeah" is interpreted as "I agree with you" and then comes the key word "but", after which come the hows and whys they disagree with you.

Why is this such an important issue that I'm writing an entire article about it? Because the word "but" is exclusive, opposing, separative, and antagonistic. The words we use influence the way we think and the way we think affects the emotions we feel and the emotions we feel affect our actions. At this time in our human evolution we are beginning our shift from male competitive energy to female cooperative energy. Working together in harmony rather than being in competition against one another. Our language needs to reflect harmony rather than competition and separation.

This is where a tiny, important alternate word comes into play. That word is AND.

Simply by substituting the word "and" for the word "but" you change the meaning of the sentence by which you're communicating with another. It then becomes a message of including and allowing two differing subjects, thoughts, or opinions to exist together in harmony with one another.

Aha! Did you hear that? You just had a BUT thought didn't you? You thought something like "Yeah, well it all sounds good BUT I can't see how it will change anything." Try this: Repeat that thought again, paying attention to how you feel after you say it. Then repeat it once again, this time substituting AND for BUT. As you do so, pay attention to how you feel. Notice the difference? You probably felt a little lighter after the second version using AND.

AND remember that thoughts affect how you feel emotionally and the emotions you feel affect how you respond and react to your world.

Peace AND Love,

ps. If you want to experience how powerfully words affect how you feel, try using "miffed" to describe how you feel the next time you're on an angry rampage.

Stickman Tai Chi
24 Movement Form

Really Simplified Yang Style Tai Chi

Millions of people are practicing this ancient Chinese martial art and as they do so, they realize many health benefits, such as better balance, flexibility, more energy and muscle strength. Many use it as a moving meditation.

Whatever reason draws you learn Tai Chi, my Stickman book for Yang style Tai Chi has the basic knowledge a beginning Tai Chi student needs in an easy-to-understand format. Basic and important information such as proper foot placement, movement techniques, and body positions are included in the step-by-step instructions. Stickman illustrations give clear insight into positions for each movement.

This is one of the most common Forms used to teach beginners the basic movements of Tai Chi. The basic 24 Movment Form contains the foundational movements that are in all other Tai Chi Forms. There is much to learn about Tai Chi and many levels of knowledge in this basic Form that a student may enjoy learning before moving on to more advanced levels and Forms.

Now available on
in Kindle format and in print!

The Akashic Record is the record of your Soul since your very first beginning or incarnation. It contains all your personal history, everything you've ever experienced in every lifetime you've ever had... and you've had hundreds and possibly thousands of lifetimes!

Imagine the wealth of information - the knowledge and wisdom - stored in your Akashic Record.

Imagine how all that information can help guide you through challenges you're facing now.

Using the seven major chakras as the gateway to your Akashic Record, astounding wisdom is revealed to you... wisdom you've gained throughout all your past lifetimes.

More information here..


Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328