Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
July 15 , 2022
Vol.#18 Issue#13

Speak the real stuff
and not the fluff.

12 Strand DNA Activation

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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

The Energy of Place

One of my favorite places to go for a walk in the woods is Indian Island Park. It's a very unique location for a park, in that the majority of Indian Island is a naval station surrounded by tall chain link fencing topped by curled, razor bladed wire. Dire warning signs against trespassing are posted everywhere, including on the beach. It's not a happy, friendly place... to say the least.

There is a road skirting the naval station and all of it's scary no-trespassing stuff. This road crosses the island on one edge of it, giving access to Marrowstone Island, a bucolic place with many beautiful homes, and Fort Flagler, another of my favorite places to enjoy the peaceful, beautiful forest and beach.

But back to Indian Island park. Across this road on the opposite side of the Navy property is Indian Island Park, a beautiful forested park that edges a salt water beach. The road that separates these two types of properties acts as a neutral zone between the energy of the Naval station and the energy of the park.

At the entrance of this park is a huge Cedar tree that welcomes visitors (The above photo is one I took of that beautiful tree). Although there are many trees in this park, this particular tree has very special energy. As people pass under it, they're bathed in the wonderful, loving energy that this tree exudes. It's as if those long limbs that cross the path are its arms, hugging everyone who passes under them. Even if people don't consciously sense or recognize this energy, they're affected by it. Smiles appear on their faces. They begin to slow down and really see the beauty of the forest. Their children begin to laugh and play.

Every place has energy that it radiates and, as the above example illustrates, not all energy is the same. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are being affected by the energy of place. The places where you work, live, shop, and play all have energy that they radiate which affects you.

For example, we live in an area that is half an hour drive in any direction to any shopping. One town we go to leaves us cranky and exhausted after we've been in that energy for half an hour. Another town we shop in leaves us happy and exhilarated. As a result, we avoid the first town as much as possible.

For one week I invite you to pay attention to how you feel when you travel from one location to another during each day. Include your home and all the different areas in and around it, such as each room, the yard, and the neighborhood.

What can you do about being in places with energy that affects you adversely? Here are a few helpful hints:

  • Find alternative places that have pleasant energy in which to do business. Even if it means traveling a little farther, the benefit of being in higher, happier energy is worth it.
  • When you find yourself feeling uncomfortable in the energy of a location, immediately surround yourself with bright, white light. Imagine an egg-shaped cloud of white light all around you.
  • If just surrounding yourself with white light doesn't do the job, envision a shield of black, glossy material that covers the white light egg. This strengthens your protection as it repels any negative energies.
  • Place crystals in any areas of your home that have low or negative energy. For example, rose quartz radiates the energy of love, hematite absorbs negative energy, malachite radiates healing energy.
  • The aroma of certain essential oils helps to raise your own energetic frequency and can thus protect you from feeling the effects of the energy of a place. Lavender, Frankincense, and any of the tree oils work great. My favorite is Idaho Balsam Fir.
  • Specific plants in the house help to raise the energy of place. For example, Spider plants and aloe vera in the home absorb negative energy, and the Jade plant calms and reduces stress.
  • Plant trees! Trees not only have a calming effect, they give off oxygen and absorb pollutants in the air. When you're breathing cleaner air that's rich in oxygen, you'll naturally feel better. Evergreens are the best (no leaves to rake up each fall!)


A New Fourth of July Celebration

It's that time of year again. My husband and I were just two of the many who suffered through three days of the sounds of war during this last Fourth of July. During the day the sudden noise of a big M80 or some other humungous firework would startle us. At night we were unable to sleep because of the loud booms and bangs of fireworks in the neighborhood that continued for hours. On the day after the Fourth of July my husband came dragging home from work, exhausted because he got very little sleep during the night due to the fireworks. He said the entire crew he works with were sleep-deprived because of the noise of fireworks. One guy said they were so loud in his neighborhood that his windows were rattling.

As I was pondering this annual event and the suffering of caused to many people, pets, and wild animals, all because of the few and their fireworks, I was inspired with a new way to celebrate the day of the birth of our nation.

"This is the birthday of our nation. So why don't we celebrate it by having a birthday party with cake, presents, and games instead of by simulating the sounds and sights of war?" I thought. I began to imagine some details about a National Birthday Party, envisioning the fun games we could play, the presents we would give and receive, the delicious banquet of party food we'd enjoy eating with our friends and loved ones.

When I shared this idea with my husband he lit up like a sparkler and said, "What a great idea!"

Since then I've shared this idea with many people - friends and strangers alike. All of them loved the idea of replacing the loud fireworks that create stress in humans and fear in animals with the fun and happiness of a birthday party. One woman (thank you, Jennifer) suggested we could include a day of community service as a present to our national parks.

I propose that it's time to end the celebration of our nation's birth by emulating the sights and sounds of war via fireworks. Instead let's celebrate it with the happy and joyful sights and sounds of a birthday party.

The first step is to end the use of fireworks in your area. Write a letter to your mayor, county commissioners, governor, fire department, police chiefs, and whoever else has the authority to instigate a fireworks ban. Share this idea with your friends and enlist their help. If you're a member of a group of animal lovers, such as ASPCA, the Kennel Club, and PAWS, include them, too.

The more, the merrier, and the more powerful.

Then… let the birthday party begin!!

Stress Away Essential Oil Blend
From Young Living

I LOVE the aroma of this essential oil! Just one whiff and I feel tension leave my body, replaced by a sense of warmth and comfort. The oils that compose this blend are copaiba, lime, cedarwood (my favorite tree!), vanilla, ocotea, and lavender.

This is a gentle, fragrant blend that brings a feeling of peace and tranquility and helps relieve daily stress and nervous tension. It helps with normal everyday stress, improves mental responses, promotes relaxation, and lowers hypertension. (Source: The Essential Oils Desk Reference)

All essential oils from Young Living are organically grown, steam distilled and Therapeutic Grade, assuring you of the highest quality oils that are free of any petrochemicals.

How to use:

  • Apply a drop or two on the wrists, neck, temples, over the heart, on chakras, and on the edge of the ears.
  • Directly inhale
  • Diffuse for 20 to 30 minutes per day
  • Add 3 to 5 drops to bath water for a relaxing soak (my favorite!)

Available online at Young Living Essential Oils

(You can use my Sponsor Number 405708
if you want to set up an account.)

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328