Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st
August 15 , 2021
Vol.#17 Issue#16


12 Strand DNA Activation

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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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Warrior Priestess Wisdom Ebooks

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Under One Roof
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Lovingly Reparenting Yourself

All of us were raised by amatuers. By that I mean parents whose only experience and knowledge of parenting was how they were raised. Your parents' model of how to raise children was handed down through generations of other amatuer parents.

Traditionally, most of children's training has been based on fear. Threats of frightening and painful outcomes for certain behaviors and actions, punishment for not obeying the parent, and even actual physical pain such as spanking, were the modus operandi for most child rearing. Then as those children grew into adults and became parents, they inflicted their children with the same fear-based upbringing with which they had been raised. Thus the never-changing beliefs, knowledge, habits, emotional responses, values, and more were all handed down from generation to generation.

Never were the methods questioned. "If it was good enough for me it's good enough for you," was often heard as justification by parents for using fear to control and train their children.

Then things changed. It was predicted by Edgar Casey that the children born after 1945 would be different from any people that had ever lived on Earth. They would become the people who would change the world. And so it was.

Those children become the hippies who brought free love to our world, who peacefully demonstrated against a war, resulting in the end of that war. They changed the way couples in love shared their lives together. They lived in groups such as shared houses and communes, sharing living spaces, food, and work. They questioned and rebelled against the systems they saw that weren't working for the people.

It was these people who broke the traditions of raising children by which they, their parents, grandparents, and everyone in their family history had been raised.

The children of these new people who were raised in communes were exposed to many different beliefs, habits, values, and more. This gave the children a more unique upbringing in which they received a much wider variety of things that are of immeasurable value to growing children. The children now had the option of choosing what they wanted to believe, which values they would hold most dear, and the ability to discern their own truths.

We're now two or three generations from that first batch of new children. That first wave of new children have grown into adults, have raised their own children, and those children are grown now and are raising their families.

These new parents are not about raising their children to be submissive, well-behaved little people, as their grandparents were raised. These new children are not threatened with some kind of punishment in order to keep them quiet and polite. Instead, they're treated with respect and a different, deeper level of caring. The new parents are raising their children to be well-loved, respected, and happy. These children learn to treat others as they are being treated. The result is that they respond by being naturally well-behaved out of respect for others.

If you are one of these blessed children then you have much to be grateful for. You were raised with love and not by fear. Most importantly, you will then raise your children with the same love and respect you were given as a child.

If you weren't lucky enought to be one of the children who were raised in such a loving environment, here's some good news:

Its not too late to have a loving childhood.

You can re-parent yourself. Here's one way to do that:

1. Recall a memory from your childhood in which you were treated disrepectfully and in a non-loving way. Perhaps fearful threats were used by one or both of your parents in an attempt to force you to behave in a manner to their liking. Maybe they were insensitive to your needs and acted in an uncaring manner.

2. Write down every detail about the event in a notebook or journal. It's best to handwrite this and preferably in longhand. Doing so connects you to the creative portion of your brain, opening up your intuitive senses.

3. When you're complete with writing the story of how the incident occurred, on a new page begin to write about how it could have transpired in a loving, kind, respective manner. Get as detailed as you can with no limit on how wonderful, happy, and glorious an experience it was for you. If you have difficulty with this, see yourself as both the parent and the child in this incident.

4. After you've completed writing about your new loving, respectful experience, sit quietly, enjoying the happiness, delight, gratitude, appreciation, and love you now feel. Muse upon how you responded differently in the new version.

5. What did you learn about yourself as a child in relation to the adult? Now reverse that viewpoint and ask yourself what you learned about the adult in relation to the child.

Once you've gained the wisdom offered by this exercise you'll have a much greater understanding about the higher purpose of the incident. And when that happens, you'll begin to feel true and deep love for your teacher/parent.


My Gift to YOU!

The experiences you have serve one purpose: to offer you knowledge with which you can improve your life and raise your vibration. The messages in this ebook will assist you in gleaning the knowledge and wisdom you desire.

I specially selected the articles from my archives and I believe they are some of the best yet. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about working with energy, manifesting, healthy living, and more. The wisdom contained within these articles can have huge impact on your life... for the better, of course.

Here's a few samples of the wisdom you'll find in this Warrior Priestess Wisdom ebook:

  • Your Body, The Living Oracle
  • Premanifesting and Demanifesting
  • The Power of Sound
  • Placebo or Nocebo
  • Stopping and Starting Your Brain
  • Talking with Your Body
  • Releasing Lower Vibrational Energies

Enjoy the Wisdom of Warrior Priestess now! This is my gift to you, my loyal reader. It won't cost you a penny and yet the knowledge and wisdom you'll glean can be of incredible value to you. Just click on this link:

The Akashic Record is the record of your Soul since your very first beginning or incarnation. It contains all your personal history, everything you've ever experienced in every lifetime you've ever had... and you've had hundreds and possibly thousands of lifetimes!

Imagine the wealth of information - the knowledge and wisdom - stored in your Akashic Record.

Imagine how all that information can help guide you through challenges you're facing now.

Using the seven major chakras as the gateway to your Akashic Record, astounding wisdom is revealed to you... wisdom you've gained throughout all your past lifetimes.

More information here..

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328