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emotional peace is remarkable. I've grown peace and courage that
I've never known. I respond to any situation from a place of self-knowledge
and self-acceptance that is very empowering."
having my activation, I feel more at peace, more grounded, more
at ease with life in general."
Westminster, CA
felt an immediate Spiritual connection, like a huge dark fog had
been lifted. I felt a connection to everything around me."
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
after I had my activation, I started conducting energy healings
for my friends. I don't know how I got the idea, Ijust knew how
to do it."
definitely feel more able to view things from higher perspectives.
I feel like I am residing from a place of higher perspective instead
of just occasionally visiting."
activation is for anyone who is ready to open themselves to their
next step - awakening dormant levels of their true essence to its
Seattle, WA
food cravings have been diminishing. I am not spending my days secretly
bingeing on junk food."
New York
the activation I feel turbocharged and am always amazed at how much
more energy I have."
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
the activation a great feeling of peace - that connection to my
soul. I recommend this activation to anyone on a spiritual journey
- it was wonderful!!!!
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation
time. The
energy on the planet is calling for us all to raise our vibration.
It's time. After
eons of being disconnected from the spiritual portion of your DNA,
you can once again experience being your Divine Self.
time. Step up to the next level of your spiritual evolution
with the activation of your 12 DNA strands, the 12 layers of interdimensional
energy that surround them, and your Akashic Record.
those who carry the activated DNA, love will lead. For those
who are still undergoing the changeover, love will be easier to
attain. For those who have yet to awaken, fear will be amplified
until a higher way is entertained."
Sisters from Lauren Gorgo
Your DNA...
scientific research has now proven, our DNA, shown on this page
in the familiar double helix configuration, holds the genetic codes
for your physical and emotional evolution. Still to be discovered
by science is the fact that your DNA has
a much greater purpose than simply being a blueprint for your body.
Genome Project decoded approximately 3% of the total physical DNA.
The remaining 97% was then termed "junk", inferring it
has no purpose. The truth is that the human body is extremely efficient
and anything that is of no use becomes atrophied and is evolved
out of existence within a few generations.
97% of our DNA is junk, why do we still have it?
so-called "junk DNA" in your body contains all your history
since you first incarnated onto this planet, many lifetimes ago.
It's where your Akashic record, the record of your Soul, resides.
Our DNA has been called a living library
because of the wealth of information stored on it.
to believe, but lurking in your DNA, those trillions of pieces
of spiritual and biological energy in your body are many energies
that are quantum. They're interdimensional attributes of biology
clearly given to you by the Pleiadians over 50,000 years ago."
September 26, 2008
are ten additional strands of DNA, or five double helix strands,
which were disconnected or de-activated
eons ago. Science has yet to discover these strands, although they
have seen the shadows of them on their electronic microscopes. They
call them "shadow DNA".
the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information
available through your DNA. These additonal strands encompass
the following areas of your life:
- Connection
to God/Spirit
- Inner
vision, receiving messages from spiritual guidance
- Communication,
both physical and spiritual
- Love,
both human and Divine
- Physical
- Life
force energy (Chi) and personal will
makes The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation so unique?
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation, as it was given to me
by my spirit guides, is unlike any other on the planet. What
makes it so different from all the other DNA activations?
- It
activates the 12 interdimensional layers
of energy that surround the DNA, connecting you to the 12
dimensions that are accessible to us now at this point in our
- You
participate in the activation, experiencing the energy of it and
making it more powerful. You'll be gently and carefully
guided through the process by me and I'll be connected to your
energetically to ensure that your activation is successful.
- The
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation utilizes color and sound.
The vibrations of the sacred Solfeggio
sounds open the receptors of your cells, allowing the activation
to more easily be imprinted on the DNA. Sound sets the vibration
of the body at the correct rate to receive the activation at each
level. The energy vibration of colors adds to the power of this
benefits of this activation (the purple text is verbatim from my
spirit guides) are:
- Thirst
for clean water.
The activation creates new electromagnetic connections of higher
vibration in your body. Liquid is needed in order for them to
work optimally. Your body will be working with a greater number
of electromagnetic connections and needs to be properly hydrated
to ensure clear, strong communication between you and your spirit
- Hunger
for pure food.
Your cravings for food will change to those that are more pure
and have a greater nutritional content, such as organic and raw
foods. This process will be effortless, almost seeming to be automatic.
- Greater
health. As you shift your eating and drinking habits
to include healthier choices, your body will respond by having
greater health. In addition, the vibration of your physical body
will be of a higher frequency, making it incompatible with the
vibration of illness.
- Inner
peace. This
may be experienced as calmness, unwillingness to engage in drama
- either from other people or within yourself, being more grounded
and centered, emotional stability.
- Greater
The increased number of electromagnetic connections within your
body will enhance the natural flow of energy throughout all your
physical systems.
- More
clear connection to God/spiritual guidance. The activation
of the 12 DNA strands is a reconnection to your true Divine Self.
- Connection
to all living things. This
means ALL living things - plants,
trees, animals, devas, nature spirits, Gaia.
- Connection
to other dimensions. You'll
be able to connect more easily to higher dimensions for spiritual
wisdom. You are a multidimensional being, residing in many dimensions
other than this, the third dimension. What you call your Higher
Self is often you, in another dimension.
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation is a powerful process
that is similar to a guided visualization or meditation. It
includes the activation of all 12 strands of your DNA, PLUS the
activation of the 12 interdimensional layers that surround the DNA,
PLUS your Akashic Record which resides on your DNA.
12 Strand DNA Activation
these instructions for preparation to insure that your Interdimensional
12 strand DNA activation will be most effective.
you repeat the Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation? Read
this for information about repeat DNA activations.
you've had the Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation, all vibrational
healing will be more powerful and effective for you.
more information about the de-activation of our 12 DNA strands,
consult these books:
Lost Book of Enki by
Zacheria Sitchen
the Veil - Kryon book 11 written by Lee Carroll
New Dispensation - Kryon book 10 written by Lee Carroll
Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow
of Light by Barbara Marciniak
of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak
by Barbara Marciniak
of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak