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| | Vibrational
Healing and Spiritual Services
Wisdom Retrieval The
Akashic Record, or the Akash as it's sometimes called, is the record of your Soul
since your very first beginning or incarnation. It contains all your personal
history, everything you've ever experienced in every lifetime you've ever had...
and you may have had thousands of lifetimes!
the wealth of information - the knowledge and wisdom - stored in your Akashic
Record. Imagine
being able to access your Akashic Record and glean the valuable information from
past lifetimes. Imagine
how all that knowldge can help you |
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation As
scientific research has now proven, this double helix strand, shown on this page
in the familar double helix configuration, holds the genetic codes for your physical
and emotional evolution. Still to be discovered by science is the fact that your
DNA has a much greater purpose than simply being a blueprint for your body. It
contains all your history since you first incarnated onto this planet, many
lifetimes ago. It's where your Akashic record, the record of your Soul, resides.
| The
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Re-encoding Once
you've had the Interdimensional 12 Strand
DNA Activation, communication between you, the DNA within every cell of your
body, and the sentient energy of your body is stronger and more clear.
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Re-encoding process removes dysfunctional DNA coding
and replaces it with original, pure DNA from your perfect Adam Kadmon blueprint.
It corrects the dysfunctional, corrupt encoding that you've acquired through many
lifetimes. | Personal
Consultations with the Omnidimensional Beings The
Omnis, as I fondly call them, share information from their Universal perspective
to illuminate your path and get you moving in the correct direction for optimum
spiritual evolution. The knowledge they share gives you in-depth information about
your issue or challenge, making it easier for you to make the correct choices
in your life. New
options and potentials appear, giving you awareness of better solutions to the
challenges you're facing. | Life
Purpose Coaching Life
Purpose Coaching is specifically focused on assisting you to remember
your Soul Contract so that you can live your Life Purpose. During Life Purpose
coaching we use Divine Guidance to gently and intuitively guide you to recognize
the clues that will lead you to your True Purpose so that you can begin to do
the meaningful work you agreed to do in your Soul Contract. |
with Tarot Power up your coaching! Unlock your inner knowledge using
the Tarot, an ancient and time honored tool of Higher Wisdom, in a safe, confidential,
and supportive environment. | PSYCH-K
PSYCH-K helps you
quickly and easily communicate directly with your subconscious mind while using
whole-brain techniques for integration. Change old self-limiting beliefs into
new self-enhancing ones that support you in just minutes. | |