Personal Consultations with the
Omnidimensional Beings
Knowledge and Practical Wisdom for Your Evolution
Omnidimensional Beings are bringing unlimited knowledge and wisdom
of the Universe to those who are ready for their next level of human
evolution. The Omnis, as I fondly call them, share with us wisdom
unique in perspective and vast in overview, spanning a multitude
of dimensions, time, and space.
Omnis share information from their Universal perspective to illuminate
your path and get you moving in the correct direction for your optimum
spiritual and human evolution. The knowledge they share gives you
in-depth information about your issue or challenge, making it easier
for you to make the correct choices in your life.
insight brings you to a new and greater level of awareness regarding
the subject you with to have assistance with. With their shared
wisdom, new options and potentials appear to you, giving rise to
your awareness of better solutions to the challenges you're facing.
Omnidimensional consultation is a connection to specific beings
who are the most appropriate ones for the issue at hand. The number
of Omnidimensional Beings is so vast as to be nearly uncountable.
Therefore, there is a great multitude from which the beings with
the most appropriate knowledge and wisdom come forth.
share with you the most effectively beneficial information that
is of the utmost value to you... knowledge that's most relevant
to you now.
are assured of being given the most valuable communication for the
purpose at hand.
the Omnidimensional Beings
I first began receiving the knowledge and the wisdom from the Omnis,
I asked them who they were. They said only that they are of many
dimensions, which I interpreted to mean "multidimensional".
They corrected me and said they are not of many dimensions, but
of all dimensions. Omnidimensional. They are not of one planet,
one dimensions, or one world. Rather they are a conglomerate of
many beings from within a multitude of all dimensions and realities.
find the energy of the Omnis to be extremely high in vibration and
very pure. The Omnidimensionals who connect with me are always of
the most Divine Light. The information they share with me is straight
to the point and clearly defined. They are factual, often including
in their messages historical as well as future (for us) information.
have no hierarchy. When I connect with them I am always connected
with the one who is perfect for the subject at hand. There is a
noticeable difference in energies from one being to another.
for the Consultation
may request that the Omnis give you information about a specific
subject or issue. Examples are:
- What
is my Life Purpose?
- What
is my Soul Contract with this person?
- How
might I access other dimensions?
- What
is the highest purpose of the challenge I'm currently experiencing?
- How
can I heal this health challenge?
- What
are the hidden beliefs that are blocking my progress?
- What
needs to be complete before I can move forward?
you may request a general reading, one that is pertinent to you
and your life now. In this case, I suggest stating your request
in wording similar to "Tell me what I need to know."
may wish to have ample paper and writing instruments with which
to take notes, since these readings are not recorded and there is
much information that is shared by the Omnis. They explain:
in the form of very high frequencial energy comes through at the
time of our connection. It is energy that cannot be transmitted
to a recording device. This energy is a vital part of the communication
for you and contains important information that may not be recognized
by you during the reading. It will be assimilated and understood
by you at the appropriate time. Much of it is encoded to be released
at a specific occurrence, which is manifested by you and experienced
as an increase in the frequency of your own personal energy. As
you raise your vibration, the portion of the communication given
you during our consultation will be released for you to use as
you continue in your spiritual and energetic evolution."
Omnidimensional Oracle Symbol
the closing of your session, an Omnidimensional Oracle symbol will
be selected for your use in continuance of the revealed wisdom and
knowledge given you by the Omnis. It is a valuable aid in understanding
how to facilitate improvement in your quality of life. The information
contained within the energy of the symbol can take you from the
very beginning stages of understanding to the greater utilization
of that energy regarding the subject of your session.
are far greater than what they are currently deemed to be. They
are powerful beyond the current understanding of them. Their power
lies in this one concept:
hold the energy of truth
about the structure of your world
and how it works.
selected symbol and the interpretation of it, as has been given
me by the Omnis, will be emailed to you directly after your consultation.
the Session
are one hour, plus or minus a few minutes. They may be via phone
or transcription.
is via PayPal, which also utilizes credit and debit cards. Because
communication before the consultation is by email, please be certain
your email address in your PayPal account is accurate and current.
When I receive notification from PayPal of your purchase, I'll contact
you by email to set an appointment for our session. At the appointed
time you call me at the number within the email message.
Please note that the difference in time zones can make a phone consultation
impractical or impossible. In this case you may email me with information
about what you would like the Omnis to focus on. I will then connect
with them and transcribe what they communicate. The information
within the consultation will then be emailed to you in its entirety,
along with the Omnidimensional Oracle symbol.