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Warrior Priestess
AM Warrior Priestess, blessed with Fire and Ancient Wisdom.
Purpose is to create pathways of enlightenment, teaching others
how to create their own inner Light.
Warrior part of that statement
means that I am a fierce defender of Truth and Light. My spiritual
symbol is the crystal Sword of Truth, which I carry as an energy
within me, ever ready to cut away that which hides the Truth. I
chose to be born with my sun and moon in the sign of Sagittarius,
in order that my focus in both my inner and outer worlds is a constant
search for the Truth.
a Priestess, I have the ability
- and the responsibility - to channel information from higher realms
and to translate it so it might be understood in this dimension.
This ability has been with me from lifetime to lifetime, and is
of the Magdalene lineage. The information I receive comes from many
sources - my guides, my Higher Self, your guides, Gaia, Spirit/Source,
and others.
a Sagittarius sun and moon in my natal chart, doubly blesses me
with the element of Fire, giving
me great energy and passion for the work of this, my Life Purpose.
lifetimes I have enjoyed an Earthwalk, and I bring forward to this
lifetime the Ancient Wisdom
that I gleaned from each of these other lifetimes. As is appropriate,
I am still unveiling and remembering much of what I learned in previous
lifetimes. At the perfect time, the memory of a "new"
healing technique or an enhanced "psychic" ability is
triggered within me, expanding my database of wisdom in this current
Life Purpose is to empower others
to remember their own inner wisdom. This takes many forms - coaching,
teaching, channeling, and more. Often the forms are combined, such
as coaching and channeling. During the coaching sessions I open
to receive Higher Wisdom and integrate it into the work my client
and I are doing. Nothing stirs my Fire energy more than seeing my
client's Light begin to shine brightly as they recognize and claim
their own inner power.
the world of the 3rd Dimension I am known as Kathy Wilson, Life
Purpose Coach, Spiritual Teacher/Mentor, author, and Reiki Master.
live with my life mate and husband, Wayne, on the Olympic Peninsula
in Washington State, where we both are pursuing our unique pathways
of enlightenment. Our home is surrounded by forest and many good