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Magical Mystical Book
Volume I: Psychic Protection for You and Your Environment
Magical Mystical series was originally in-person classes and workshops
that were co-created with my spirit guides as an introduction for
people who want to begin their exploration of the many paths of
metaphysical, psychic, and spiritual awareness.
you can enjoy learning about your magical, mystical world at home
or anywhere with the convenience of this series of Kindle ebooks.
this first volume of Magical Mystical ebooks, discover powerful
and proven techniques for protecting yourself and the spaces around
you from lower vibrational energies - energies that can impact your
physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Protect yourself by
protecting your energy and the energy around you.
this ebook you'll learn:
what "psychic protection" really is
- how
to create a Sacred Circle to protect your spaces
methods for sensing the energy fields of other people, places,
and things
6 quick and easy methods to protect yourself and your energ
the importance of rescinding vows and how to do it
when to implement protection for the spaces in your home and business
what Geopathic Stress is, how it affects you, and how get rid
of it quickly and easily
- energy
leaks you may not know about and how to and plug them
an important yet simple Feng Shui technique to keep the energy
in your home flowing clear and clean
it now!

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