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of Warrior Priestess:
Volume IV

yet more Wisdom from Warrior Priestess. I specially selected
these articles my newsletter, The
Journal of Spirited Coaching. which I believe to be some
of the best. Subjects are diverse and include wisdom about working
with energy, manifesting, healthy living, and more.
work of a priestess is to receive wisdom from Higher Sources interpret
the information. She must then translate the messages into language
that can be understood by the masses.
the years it has been my responsibility, my honor, and my privilege
as Warrior Priestess Magdalene to interpret and share these messages
that I've received from my Sources of Higher Wisdom. This is the
fourth in a series of ebooks in which I share with you the tidbits
of wisdom my spiritual guides have given me.
experiences you have serve one purpose: to offer you knowledge with
which you can improve your life and raise your vibration. The messages
in this ebook, and those books that follow, will assist you in gleaning
the knowledge and wisdom you desire.
a sample of the wisdom you'll find inside Volume IV of the Warrior
Priestess Wisdom ebook series:
- Healing
on ALL Levels
- Abundance
of What?!?
- Coming
Out of the Cosmic Closet
- The
Astrological Five People
- Receiving
Spiritual Guidance
- This
Is Your Brain on Fear
- Wisdom
from Grandmother Rock
REAL Vampires
- Take
a Nanosecond to Feel Better
- What
Am I Supposed to Be Doing?
- Shoulder
or Should-er?
- Three
Day Emotions
- The
Litany of Love
- And
Enjoy it now!

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