have abilities and powers beyond your current comprehension. Maybe you don't know
it yet. Or maybe you have an inkling of your Divinity but don't know what that
means specifically or how that plays out in your "real" life. That
you're here, now, reading this indicates that you're being guided by aspects of
your Divinity. More importantly, you're heeding that guidance. As
you continue your journey, seeking higher wisdom to aid you in finding those truths
that resonate with your Divine Being, you'll find many new worlds to explore.
Some will be of immense value to you. Others may be just detours. All offer wisdom
and knowledge for you. Some will prove more valuable to you than others, but all
have value for you. Perhaps
what you're searching for is here... waiting for you to discover it within this
website. Perhaps there is something I have to offer you that will further you
on your journey to realizing that you truly are a Divine Being. I
offer many pathways to empower and guide you in your journey to realizing your
Divinity this Earthwalk: - The
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation
- This
activation is a powerful process that is similar to a guided visualization or
meditation. It includes the activation of all 12 strands of your DNA, PLUS
the activation of the 12 interdimensional layers that surround the DNA, PLUS your
Akashic Record which resides on your DNA.
- The
Akashic Wisdom Retrieval - A simple yet powerful process, similar to a
guided meditation or visualization. Using
the seven major chakras as the gateway to your Akashic Record, astounding wisdom
is revealed to you... wisdom you've gained throughout all your past lifetimes.
- Spiritual
and Life Purpose Coaching and Mentoring -
Specifically focused to assist you to
remember your Soul Contract so that you can live
your Life Purpose. During
sessions we use Divine Guidance lovingly offered by your Higher Self and Angel
or Spirit Guides as well as my sources for Higher Wisdom.
- Vibrational
or energetic healing modalities such as Reiki,
12 strand DNA Re-encoding, and
- Psychic
Consultations or readings, such as Tarot
readings, AstroArchetype readings,
or channeled messages from Angels and/or Spirit Guides
- Online
spiritual classes and workshops designed to guide and empower you to recognize
and utilize your own psychic abilities.
- CDs,
mp3 downloads, essential oils, and other products to enhance your spiritual
growth and assist you in your quest as you draw ever closer to realizing your
of the paths I offer for your personal empowerment and enlightenment are connected.
Each serves to enhance and expand the others. You'll know which of these paths
are right for you. Let
me introduce myself to you.
I AM Kathy Wilson, Warrior Priestess Magdalene... at your
is my specific Life Purpose to create pathways of enlightenment by teaching, mentoring,
and coaching so that those who are seeking their own truth - people such as you
- can remember that they are truly beings of Divine Light. What
does being a priestess mean in today's world? The Highest Purpose of a priestess
is now and always has been threefold: - Receive
Higher Wisdom from her sources of Spiritual Guidance
Translate the message of Higher Wisdom from its interdimensional format so that
it might be understood in this 3D world we live in
Share that Higher Wisdom with those for whom it has relevancy, importance, and
image of the sword represents my inner Sword of Truth. Only by knowing your personal
truths can you discover and become the Divine Being you really are. My inner Sword
of Truth guides me in cutting away the dross that hides the real you and keeps
you from being your Divine Self.
is my Life Purpose, and my honor, in all of my offerings to assist
you in: -
remembering the ancient wisdom you already have that lies within you
teaching you to heal yourself using your own inner wisdom
- mentoring
you to remember how you can connect with your own sources of Higher Wisdom for
enlightened guidance whenever you want it
is not my Life Purpose to do your healing for you, advise you
on how to live your life, or tell you how to be Spiritual. As a Divine Being,
you already know how to do all that. My Purpose is to assist you in remembering
the powerful Divine Being you truly are. However, if you are not quite ready to
claim your inner power, there are others who would give you their interpretation
of what you should think and do. You
will find that none of the spiritual services I offer include predicting your
future. There is one simple reason for this: it is no longer possible. We are
now fully empowered and are creating our own present and our own future with our
thoughts, our intent, and by the choices we make. YOU
are the only one who knows what you'll be missing if you don't take the necessary
steps to become your highest and best potential - your Divine Self. If
you are ready and willing to claim your true power - to remember your
Divinity and to live your Life Purpose - allow me, Warrior Priestess, to offer
you support, connection, knowledge, and inspiration for your chosen path.

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