The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA
Re-encoding mp3 Download
DNA has a much greater purpose than simply being a blueprint for
building your body. It contains all your
history since you first incarnated onto this planet,
many lifetimes ago. It's where your Akashic record - the record
of your Soul - resides.
experience you've ever had throughout every lifetime - and every
thought, emotion, and belief you've had about each of your
experiences - is recorded on your DNA in your Akashic record - that
97% of DNA that scientists call "junk".
Akashic Record resides in every cell of your body!
information you need is encoded in the structural makeup of every
single cell in your body. Contact it there."
Starseed Transmissions
the beginning of your existence you had perfectly encoded DNA. This
is often called the Adam Kadmon blueprint. It's the DNA encoding
that orignally created you as the perfect human being.
your many lifetimes that encoding was distorted, corrupted, and
polluted. Now you're burdened with DNA that includes such things
as predispositions for specific diseases, emotional traumas, and
dysfunctional belief systems.
re-encoding corrects the corrupted programming within your Akashic
Record that resides in every cell of your body.
a wonderful experience as you're guided to participate in the re-encoding
of your 12 DNA strands. You'll also embed powerful healing in the
interdimensional layers of energy that surround your DNA.
Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Re-encoding mp3 download includes
pre-instructions, the guided visualization for the re-encoding of
your 12 DNA strands, and post-activation instructions and information.
the Encodements
you repeat thoughts and the emotions attached to them, they compound
to become beliefs. These beliefs are
stored on the Akashic Record in the DNA in every cell of your
your body. According to the rate of the vibration of your beliefs,
they have the power to create good health or ill health.
part of your body - bones, muscle, organs, glands, etc. - has a
specific vibration. In accordance with the Law
of Attraction, thoughts are drawn to specific areas of the body
that correspond with their frequency, as the image at the left illustrates.
vibrations of your thoughts, beliefs, and the emotions attached
to them become embedded in your DNA. These
encodements are carried in your DNA from lifetime to lifetime, causing
propensities for specific diseases. These propensitities
lie dormant within your body... until they're triggered to activate.
triggers these dormant encodements to become active?
- When
your body becomes overstressed
and its energy reserves are depleted, the weakest link in the
chain breaks. This weak link is the propensity for the specific
diseases encoded in your DNA.
Experiences you've had in past lifetimes
that caused you great distress or even death are encoded in your
- What
you believe you create. In this lifetime your family
and friends influence your beliefs about your health by reminding
you of those in the family who have suffered a specific disease.
Doctors always ask for your family's medical history, and subsequently
imply that you, too, will suffer from some repeated disease. While
the propensity for a specific disease may be carried within your
DNA, until it's triggered by your belief it won't activate.
re-encoding corrects the disease propensity programming within your
Akashic Record that resides in every cell of your body.
are two parts to the process of DNA vibrational re-encoding:
- Part
1 : The 12 Strand DNA Re-encoding
The defective, dysfunctional encoding that
causes ill health and disease are removed from the Physical DNA
strand and are replaced with the pure, unadulterated encoding
of the original, perfect DNA from the Master DNA. The Master
DNA Strand is also called the Adam Kadmon blueprint and contains
original, perfect DNA encoding - the Divine source code for YOU.
- Part
2 : The Interdimensional Layer Re-encoding
9th Interdimensional Layer is the specific layer of healing energy
that surrounds each strand of DNA. Using color and the Sacred
Solfeggio tones to access this dimension you'll acquire a healing
symbol and connect it to the 1st Interdimensional Layer (Physical
Layer) to re-encode the interdimensional energy surrounding and
protecting every cell of your body.
want to thank you again for the DNA re-encoding. My arm and shoulder
are continuing to change and have more range of motion! This is
the first really significant and quick change in the range of
motion, even with all the other things I did to help the area
over the last many months. I am continuing to need to stretch
and move it, as I feel more and more tingling in the area, as
it seems to be unwinding. VERY interesting, and awesome!"
- JH, Washington
DNA vibrational re-encoding process is similar to the Interdimensional
12 Strand DNA activation in that you'll
actually be performing the process for yourself while
I guide you through it. Ultimately, you are the only one
who can truly and completely heal you.
with the activation, tones of the sacred Solfeggio scale are used.
In particular the tone MI is used to enhance,
embed, and seal the reprogramming into your DNA and, thus, Akashic
did the process twice. The first session started some natural
changes that were gradual and gentle. After the second session
I quit smoking, practically stopped drinking, got more friends,
started eating clean, went organic, stopped taking weight medication,
started filtering my water, and broke my addiction to my body
fat scale! All without trying!" - JM, Florida
12 Strand DNA Re-encoding mp3 download includes:
- pre-instructions
the guided visualization for the re-encoding
of your 12 DNA strands
the sounds of the Sacred Solfeggio tones
MI and RE
post-instructions and information
The Interdimensional
12 Strand DNA Activation
is required at least three days prior to performing
the Interdimensional 12 Strand Re-Encoding
12 Strand DNA
Re-encoding mp3 Download
additional to the Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Re-encoding, I
offer the following modalities:
these instructions for preparation to insure that your vibrational
healing session will be most effective.

Law of Attraction is thus: "That which is like unto
itself is drawn". This means that everything of a specific
vibration is drawn to that of the same vibration.
is an abbreviation of the ancient Latin for Mira Gestorum, or "miracle
gestating". It has been loosely translated as meaning "transformation
and miracles". Leading edge molecular researchers are currently
using this vibration - 528 Hz - in laboratory experiments to heal